Chapter 25

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Alex's POV

Kian and I talked all day literally we walked by the beach until sundown. It was a great time. We got froyo then went to this restaurant that was over looking the ocean. Then just walked around talking about anything and everything. He started off by asking me how I was doing with Sammy and if I told Dylan to move out or not. Of course I said Sammy and I were fine and that I finally built up the courage to tell Dylan to leave. But Kian always knowing what wrong asked me about the way Sammy acts towards me. Yes he acts all loving like nothing happened but at the end of the day I know it is most likely fake. I mean he can't even remember our first date how can he remember the way he felt towards me or how he always gave me hugs from behind cause he thought it was a source of protection. Or how he wouldn't say I looked hot because he thought I could only be gorgeous. Or the way he would kiss me with passion.

"Kian I just don't know if I can handle him not actually in love with me anymore."

"I think you can do it you love him and he loves you. He will remember."

"Thanks Kian."

I hugged him and we started walking towards the car.

"Hey Kian will you drop me off at the Jack's house. Matthew is there and he can drive me home."

"I suppose."

We pulled up in their driveway and I said bye to Kian then walked up to the door and knocked. For a minute there wasn't an answer then the door swung open revealing the boys.

"ALEX!" Johnson yelled bringing me into his embrace.

"Hey! Careful with my girlfriend." I heard Sammy yell from the living room.

I blushed and continued inside to where Matt and Jack G were.

"Hey Alex what's up?" Matt asked

"Oh ya know I was driving home with Kian and asked to come here."

"Sounds exciting." Jack G laughs.

"Hey babe." Sammy says as he walks over and kisses me on the cheek.

Again I blushed but continued about. The guys were discussing where they wanted to eat before going to Madison's party tomorrow. Of course i want to go since Madison and I are really close but I am having serious second thoughts. I'm pregnant and what if there are no nonalcoholic drinks. Yeah Madison is only 16 but her mom lets her drink as long as its under 5 drinks. Which seems like a lot so... Parent of the year goes to Madison's mom. But anyway what do I do I feel like if I do go something bad is going to happen to my baby and if I don't go then Sammy will be all over another girl. Ugh what do I do.

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