Ch.1~ Branded.

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Cold, dark, lonely. Not really words that should describe your home, but to me, it was like it was the only words. This house was never welcoming. Never provided comfort, or a safe space. Just walls that held all the childhood trauma of being Bellatrix Lastrange's daughter.

My brother, Lorenzo, he made life bearable. He always did his best to make my childhood playful. He did a great job at it really, until he started Hogwarts.

He was a year older than me, so when he left, the word lonely crept back into my world. Then he made all of his friends at school, and I became the little sister. When I started the following year, I expected to get my brother back.

Quite the opposite actually. With his friends, the heirs of Slytherin, I was nothing but an annoyance. I thought making it into Slytherin would help, but to them it didn't matter. I was a thing in their way, someone they wanted nothing to do with.

Summers stayed entertaining. When he was home, I was all he had. I knew he'd rather be off with his friends. But it was just him and I in a big manor, running around like children. Sharing gossip from the school term, giggling. Being happy siblings. Happy never lasted, but for the summers, I had my brother.

Once Enzo became of age, and revived his mark, he was just a person I lived with. He was always off with a task. Came home at all time of the night, covered in blood. He grew to be angry. His resentment towards our parents grew, I was a reminder to him.

My father, he protested me getting the mark. Said I was a lady, bigger plans were set ahead of me. Father died in the third year of the Wizarding war. Although, if you ask me, I think my mother played a big part in his death. Enzo, still protested my mark, for the memory of my fathers wishes.

It grew worse, once The Dark Lord actually won the war. It was like all the happiness had been sucked out of the world. Piles of rubbish, where buildings once stood. So much blood, spread across everyones hands. It was like the world was aflame, and I stood to watch it burn.

When Harry died, it was catastrophic. I found my self in his group many of times in school. My brother pushed me away, and they were just so welcoming. I think of Harry often. How different the Wizarding world, and the muggle world would be, had he won.

The Dark Lord, took over everything. So many different sectors of muggle London, Scotland, most of Europe. He was currently working his was through the other Wizarding schools, and succeeding.

It was a dark world we now lived in. It was a dark world, I had no choice but to be apart of. It was the name branded into me, Rosalia Berkshire. I was damned from the moment I entered this world.

I played the role of the pretty daughter. Stand beside mum, smile, were happy, we won, the world will be made pure. Respect The Dark Lord. Obey. Attend the meetings, and the parties. Pity the mud bloods, "for they will be gone."


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