Ch.29~ Greengrass Gala.

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"Rose, wait." Mattheo pulled my arm back, as the boys made their way out of the large front doors. 

"What? We have to go." I snapped. 

"I know. I'm just making sure you're okay. Your clear headed for this?" he leaned closer. 

"Mattheo, there is nothing I want more than to do this. I promise. Im certain." I nodded my head. 

"I'll be by your side the whole time. I won't let anything happen to you." he almost looked... scared. 

"Good." I let out a soft smile, leading him out the front door. 

We all joined hands and apperated to the front of the Greengrass Manor. Hundreds had to be in attendance. I think the crime deserved an audience, it was fitting. I looked up at the Manor, dimly lit and filled with people. I seen the happy faces through the window and wondered how exactly their jaws would drop at the sight they were about to witness. 

Enzo and Theo headed in first, Mattheo and I linked arm in arm. All of the boys had their Mask's on, which was strictly against Gala and party rules. 

I glanced over at Mattheo as we made our way up their marble stair case, he looked over at me and all I seen were those dark, dead, brown eyes. I seen it in him, the rage, the anger. It was a crime of passion, perhaps the best one yet. 

He bowed his head at me, and I return the gesture, both turning our heads back in front of us, as their large ballroom doors swung open by the flick of my wrist. 

Heads turned, as I was escorted through the ball room by my brother, and who they thought to be their future son in law, arms linked with their superior. Their leader. 

God, I felt the power rushing through my veins. I felt unstoppable. 

With each step I took, I flicked my wrist, cracking and shattering every window I walked passed. I heard the gasps, the murmurs... "Is that Rosalia Riddle? What is going on? This can't be good... it did nothing but make the rage in me grow. 

The family was standing at the far end of the ball room. I watched as Florian threw his arms in front of his family, trying to protect them, almost as he knew exactly why we were there. 

As we grew closer the boys one by one removed their Masks. They were never to hide behind, they wanted the Greengasses to know exactly who did this to them. More to install fear. Everyone knew Mattheos mask, but Theo and Enzo came as a shock. 

We stopped, inches before them, as I moved closer to them, staring them each up and down. 

"My Lord, My Lady..." his words shook. "A reason for the entrance?" 

"You have the nerve to address me, as your lady?" I let out a dry laugh, as I watched his wife and daughters let out light sobs. 

"I'm afraid I don't understand." he was stumbling over his own words. 

"Then allow me to make it clear." I raised my chin, my eyes darkened as I raised my wand at him, "Avada Kaderva." I hissed, watching as his body slammed onto the floor. 

Quickly darting my eyes back up to Astoria. As I listen to the screams escape the mouths of his daughters and wife, I watched the second the little spark went off it Astoria's head. As if, she knew this was it. I seen Draco, out of the corner of my eye, staring at Florians lifeless body and back to me. He knew. I knew, that he knew. 

She tried to run, which only made it more entertained for their guests. 

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" I screamed at her back, as she tried to make her way to the door. I watched as her body hit the floor, her chest bleeding profusely. It took seconds for her gown to be soaked in her own blood. 

"You dare try to betray me. Try and turn me against my husband... Just because your a Malfoy, doesn't give you a pass, you stupid bitch." I laughed, bending down to lock eyes with her. I grabbed her by her hair, forcing her to sit up, "You'll watch. As they die." I spat into her ear, pointing her head at her sister and Mother. 

Theo and Enzo drew their wands in unison, without saying a word a large green light flickered from both their wands, as their bodies now laid besides their father. 

"Mattheo, honey, why don't you come finish this bitch off." I dryly laughed, dropping her head back onto the floor. 

"Gladly." He chuckled, standing next to me. 

"Drac-Draco. Please." she whimpered.

Draco stood there, shocked. Knowing better than to get in-between this. 

"Draco can't help you now, Astoria." I laughed loudly, "You did this to your self. When you crossed me, and took everything from me." I bent down again, "Just know, I will live the rest of my life with Mattheo, happily, while your family will go down in death eater history as abominations."

I nodded at Mattheo. Once again, without a word, the same green light escaped Mattheo's wand, as I watched the life finally disappear from her eyes. 

"Let that be a warning." I yelled, watching as the faces of those around us dropped, their jaws nearly on the ground. 

"NO ONE, touches my wife, and lives." Mattheo screamed, louder. 

I gently moved my hair behind my shoulder, and linked arms with Mattheo, as Theo and Enzo followed behind us. 

I watched the fear,  in all these peoples faces, as I walked out of their manor, with my head held high. An evil smirk in place of the frown I thought was permanently installed on my face. 

I did it for her. We did it for her. 

I was feared. A force to be messed with. 

I was Rosalia Riddle.  

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