Ch.45~ To his Knees.

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I watched his face, as his wild eyes softened, and his eyes began to dart from my right, to my left eye. I felt his whole body stiffen in my hands, examining me in awe. 

"You what?" he nearly whispered. 

"I love you, Mattheo Riddle." I sniffled. 

"Why are telling me this now, Rosalia?" his eye began to gloss. 

"If not now... then when?" I bit my lips. 

My stomach sank a bit. Not that I expected him to blurt it out right back to me, I just... expected something different. I knew he loved me, it wasn't doubt. Maybe it was my own selfishness, of wanted, needing to hear him say it back to me. 

He still looked down at me, eyes still darting, as if he was memorizing every inch of this moment. 

I couldn't help but feel my tears build more, I think the silence was making it worse. 

I didn't need the reassurance. I didn't. I felt his love everyday. In his actions, in his movements, in the way he protected me, I didn't need the words. 

I tried to remind my self of this, but having his new found, suicide mission, fresh on my mind, I couldn't help but wonder when are clock, would stop ticking. 

He slowly laid down next to me, and just held me. He held me closer than he ever has before... he really held me. Tracing his fingers up and down my back, as I felt his breathing becoming uneasy. 

"My love... for you... has no boundaries. It never has, Rose." he muttered into my hair. 

I sobbed. 

I wanted him to say it. 

"I know, Mattheo." I sighed into his chest. 

"Everything I have done, since the day we said 'I do', was to give you a better life. To take us away from this. To give you the love you deserve." he let out a long, shallow breath, "I'm sorry I couldn't. I'm sorry I wasn't better." 

"You were, everything, Mattheo. Everything I could've ever dreamed of. I have always felt loved by you." I slowly brought my eyes up to him. 

I watched a shy smile appear on his face. 

"Good, because words would never describe how much I do love you. You did it, Rose. You brought the Dark Lords son to his knees... you made me insane... you did it." he shook his head, "Fuck, you've done it since school." 

"I have that much control over you?" I gave him doe like eyes. 

"You know you do." he almost rolled his eyes, as I adjusted my self to look him directly in his eyes. 

"Then let me find a way to save you." I watched his expression fade, "All of you."


"NO, if I have that much control over you, if I have truly brought you to your knees, if you love me as much as you say... you will let me. You will let me save you, save us." 

"I just don't want your hopes up, Rose." he huffed. 

"You do not get to escape me that easily, Mattheo. You do not get to die." I inhaled sharply, "We vowed, until death did us part. We swore, to come home to each other. If death is the only option, we will welcome it together." 

"Your just as crazy as I thought you were, Rosalia." he let out a small chuckle. 

"Together, Mattheo. We deserve it." my eyes almost begged. 

"Together, Rose." he smiled, pulling my lips towards his. 

He was lying. 

I was not. 

I found that out in the days to come. He never found my threats, alarming. He never saw any truth in them. He didn't think I would give my life, to be with him. He was all I had. Enzo, my own brother. Draco, my cousin. Theo, my only true friend. If they went, there was no doubt in my mind that I would go with him. 

We fought, a lot in the coming days. Intense screaming matches. I would find him planning the attack while I was up to my chin in books. He didn't even take a second, to let me process the information I had to find. He gave me half worded replies and dismissed me. 

I go into it with each of the boys as well, then into it with Mattheo again for dragging them into it. 

It baffled me, how in his mind, this was completely okay to him. How it didn't matter. It made me wonder if his words were pretty little lies to keep me quite and out of his way. 

"So you intend on leaving me a widow?! Despite all your promises!" I screamed one day through the hallway of 12 Grimmuald Place. 

"Will you stop it! Your being blind to the situation!" he screamed back, slamming a door. 

"OH am I?" I mocked him, "You are nothing bit a coward, Mattheo!" 

"Watch your words, Rosalia!" he never sacred me, not even a little bit. 

"NO! You are a coward! You'll always let him fucking win! When the fuck do you get to win?" I scoffed, "Oh yeah.. when you die, right?" 

I heard the oh's from the other room. 

"You lot as well! Bunch of children, really!" I yelled running into the other room, "You don't even care to try! You don't even care to find a way to make him suffer! Instead you all will, huh?" 

They just starred at me, I think they were used to it. 

"Bunch of followers." I scoffed, "And you!" I turned to Mattheo, "So fucking scared of your father, forever in his shadow, doing exactly what he wants. Sad." 

He pushed my body to the wall, which made all the boys jump to their feet, but this is exactly what I wanted out of him, the anger, the rage, the Mattheo I knew I loved. 

He starred down his nose into my eyes, and huffed loudly. 

"There he is." I let out a small chuckle, "A bit late, are we?" 

"Your insufferable, Rosalia." he shook his head. 

"Together, Mattheo. I meant it." I shoved passed him, strongly pushing his shoulder. 

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