Ch.41~ The Vault.

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I spent that night, tossing and turning. The worries of Mattheo and Theo eating at me. In my mind, it was an easy job. It was my families vault. I truly didn't see the big deal of it all. Getting in, wasn't an issue in my mind. I thought it would be the easiest part. Finding the Horcrux, I believed would be the hardest. Then, I assumed I could walk straight out.

But them begging for my safety, telling me to be careful, warning me. I didn't see what could be so dangerous about it all.

I haven't truly been out in the wizarding world, since everything went down. I didn't understand the magnitude of what I voluntary signed up for. The new guards, and check points.

They made this clear to me when I sat at the kitchen table with them, that following morning. Their lectures and repeating the plan a billion times. Their hypothetical questions, and what if's, it was rapid fire almost. I would even almost call it torture.

"What if, your cornered in the vault?" "What spell would you use to escape?" "Apperation isn't allowed down there, think quick!" "Quicker Rose!" "Dead." "Try again." "Dead."

It was frustrating. To be "quizzed" almost repeatedly on something I knew I could succeed in. I worked well under pressure. Extremely well. I was a quick thinker.

Before I knew it, my time was up. It was now or never.

They placed all these crazy doubt in my mind, but I knew I could do it.

I swore I could do it.

Right as I was getting ready to leave the bedroom we were residing in, Mattheo came in and shut the door behind him.

"You need to remember everything we just went over. Tell me you remember." His eyes were narrow.

"I remember Mattheo." I almost rolled my eyes.

"What do you do if-"

"Mattheo." I cut him off.

"But what if-"


"And you have too-"


"Just remember that-"

"I remember. I'll be fine. I promise." I whispered, grabbing his shaking hands.

"Just come home." He huffed.

I didn't answer him. I just placed a light kiss on his lips. Leaving the room.

Enzo was waiting for me in the tiny front hallways I entered in just yesterday. He looked calm, collected.

My brother was a fighter. I knew I was safe with him. I think that's why I also felt somewhat alright about this whole thing. He may have done questionable things to me, but the things he would do for me always outweighed it.

"Ready?" He said, putting his forearm out for me to grab it.

"As I'll ever be." I bit both my lips, grabbing onto his arm.

He apperated us to the front of Gringotts Bank, a place that once looked so familiar, in Diagon Alley, which once felt welcoming.

It was a ghost town now. Deserted. Store fronts, burnt to the ground. Death eaters at every single corner. It sent chills down my spine, that this is what our home had turned into.

We quickly made our way into the bank. My shoes echoing my every step through the marble building.

The goblins, hard at work, never looking up from their work post.

We made our way to the head goblin, who still did not even look up at who was there.

"Vault key and number." He said, no emotion, no anything to his voice.

"I don't find that necessary." I scoffed, holding my chin up high.

He slowly looked down at me, from his large podium and nearly jumped to his feet.

"Mrs.Riddle!" He yelled, and let out a tiny sort of bow. "Pleasure.

"My vault, please." I nodded.

"The Riddles vault, or Lestrange?" He asked, swallowing hard.

"My families vault, Leastrange." I scoffed, trying to put some kind of fear in his heart.

"Right this way." He smiled, jumping down and leading us to the trolly.

That damn trolly. Up and down. Whipped side to side. Drops and all. I hated it.

I had never actually been to my family's vault, so I had no idea how long this would take. All I knew is I needed off of this thing, and fast.

We stopped abruptly, leaving the seats beneath us to give out as we fell at what felt like a million miles per hour. Stopping just before our bodies hit the floor.

"Right this way, Mrs.Riddle." The goblin said, adjusting his tiny clothes.

I shot Enzo a quick look, as he kept scanning around us for anything that could be off.

I followed the tiny thing, as he lead us into a huge vault, with beautiful columns and a... is that? Of course it is, a sleeping dragon.

Typical mum.

The tiny goblin handed me a shaker, told me as long as it's making noise, he would stay away. I could tell he was confused on how I didn't know of this already, but he seemed to have let it go.

He lead us to the door, and opened for us, as Enzo and I stepped in.

It was filled with jewels, and coins, artifacts, Merlin knows where my mother ever got her hand on them.

The goblin quickly stepped out and shut the door, leaving us inside.

"Should he have done that?" I quickly jumped, drawing my wand.

"No, I don't think so." Enzo snapped, "quickly. Find it, we need to get out of here, Rose."

I got straight too it. It was terribly hard, searching for something you had no idea what on earth it could look like.

The vault screamed darkness. I knew it was here. Anyone could feel it was here.

I peered the vault, the many shelf's, the endless sea of gold.

That's when it stood out. A lonely chalice. Almost glistening in the dim light. It drew me in. It felt dark. Standing by itself, on the top shelf.

"There. I think?" I pointed.

"Seems like it could be it. Go get it." Enzo ordered. Playing with the door, still.

I went to approach it, when I was dumbfounded. I had knocked a plate off a table, making it hit the floor and duplicate. Everything I touched duplicated and duplicated. By the tens, hundreds. It was frightening. It was brilliant.

"STOP MOVING!" He shouted.

"I need to get it Enzo." I shot a look at him.

"Don't be daft." He scoffed.

I quickly turned around, darting quickly towards the shelf, using the now growing mountain of plates and random items to climb. I was consumed by it. I couldn't see. I could barely breath.

I had stopped moving, when I finally got my hands around it. It didn't duplicate. It was cold. It didn't anything. It felt dark. That's how I knew. This was it.

"Rose! ROSE!" I heard my brother screaming from under all of this mess.

"OPEN THE DOOR. IM COMING OUT!" I screamed back at him.

I tried at the best of my ability to find exactly where out was, but once Enzo got the door open and everything rushed for the tiny opening, it became quite easy.

I stood out of breath, grasping at the chalice with all my might.

"Fuck Rose!" He huffed, trying to collect his breath.

"I'm fine. Please. Let's go." I painted.

"I don't think so, children." Her voice cut my skin.


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