Ch.28~ Relentless.

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"Rose... are you sure?" My brother stood up, slowly walking towards me. 

"I've never been more certain on anything in my entire life." I look a seat, crossing my legs, locking eyes with Mattheo, who I couldn't help but notice had a small grin across his face. 

"What's the plan, boss?" Mattheo let out a dry laugh, sitting across from me. 

"The whole family." I nodded. 

"Rose! Thats Draco's wife." Enzo nearly screamed. 

"And I am your sister!" I quickly spat, turning my head sharply at him, "They took everything from me. I'm sure our dear cousin Draco, will understand." 

"My future wife?" Theo raised an eyebrow. 

"Nott, please do not act like you care for the girl." I scoffed. 

"True." he sighed. 

"I want it public. I want it known that I am responsible. A message, if you would." I sat back in the chair. 

"We are responsible." Mattheo inserted, "They took everything from us. I want to do it, together." 

"Of course, My Husband." I said softly. "Together." 

Not a single ounce of my being cared that it was my cousins wife. Theo's future wife. To me, they were as low as they came, and I would be doing the earth a favor in disposing them from it. They ripped everything  from me. Tried to sabotage my marriage, took my baby. I would make sure they felt the same, horrible, gut wrenching, pain, I now lived with everyday. 

Hearing Mattheo voice how he wanted to do this together, only showed me I was right in my ways of thinking. Perhaps I was getting my happily ever after. Of course, not literally. Not in the way every little girl imagines it. But, nonetheless. Something. A start of something. 

The day quickly slipped by. I wouldn't say I was nervous. If anything, I was anxious. Like I wanted to get it over with. Not that I was looking forward too it, but in some sick way, I almost was. 

I have only killed one person, in my life. Coming from my family, it was almost amazing. It happened during a home invasion the order had done on my house. Trying to steal something my mother had possession of. It was a boy, no older than I. I didn't sleep for weeks. 

This, would be nothing like that. This wasn't for no reason. I had every reason to do exactly what I was about to do. I knew that. 

I was right. 

In every way. 

I made my way down the long steps of the Manor, looking down on Mattheo, who looked almost flawless in his best suit, Enzo and Theo waiting for me in the foyer. 

I had a tight, long black gown on, with an open back and slit up the side. I even had a golden snake wrapped up my back. I wasn't sending a message anymore. I was the message. 

"Fuck." Mattheo whispered under his breath. "How I missed having you on my arm." 

"Astoria and Florian are mine. Daphne and their mother are free. No one touches Florian, but me." I glanced at all of them, as I wrapped my arm around Mattheos. 

"I can't kill Daphne." Theo muttered. 

"You take the mother than, ill do it." Enzo shook his head at Theo. 

"Well, if were all on the same page. We have a gala to attended." I smirked.  

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