Ch.40~ Unbreakable.

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It was almost as if I actually seen the words sink into his mind, and he frayed his brows and let out the smallest chuckle. 

I could tell he thought I was stupid, to put it plainly. 

I knew I wasn't. 

Where I came from, the home that made me, love wasn't given, nor received. It was but a "some day" or an "I hope." I watch as my mum hated my father, and my father resented my father. They couldn't even be in the same room together. The fights that echoed those walls, the screams. It was so secret, neither of them wanted to be there. I never wanted that for myself. I wanted, I craved so much more. In my mind I had it, somehow, someway love found its way into my dark life, I couldn't let it go. 

Theo starred into my eyes for a while before breaking the silence, "I hope, to experience that one day, Rosa." his tiny smiled faded. 

"I hope you do too, Nott." I let out a small nod.

"Just be careful... please." he whispered. 

"Promise." a soft smile appeared on my face. 

"Good. Now get inside. You're going to catch a cold." he nearly pushed me into the window. 

I wandered the halls once more, until I seen Mattheo sitting on the edge of a bed in a room labeled Regulus Arcturus Black, his head in his hands, hunched over his knees. I slowly walked in, kneeling before him, placing my hands on his knees.

"Are you alright?" I nearly whispered. 

He peered his eyes up at mine, taking in the moment. Examining my face, letting a low breath out. 

"Now I am." he let out a small, dry, laugh. 

"Talk to me, Mattheo." I peered my head forward. 

"Your dauntless. You're so, gutsy. You don't care... whats in your way. When you want something... when someone does you wrong... when something needs to be done... you just do. It scares the shit out of me sometimes." he tilted his head, leaning his arm forward playing with my hair. 

"If not me, then who?" I smiled, "I don't see it that way, being daring isn't a word I would describe my self as. I just do what is needed, for who is needed." 

"You don't care, about outcomes. You never did." he shook his head. 

"That isn't true. You should know that... now its different. I have something worth fighting for. A light has finally appeared at the end of a very dark tunnel. I would simply..." I stopped for a moment, "do anything to get to that light." 

"You have to be careful tomorrow, Rose. You need to be." he continued to play with my hair, "I need you." 

"You have me, Mattheo." I smiled. 

"Stand." he whispered, pulling me to my feet as he joined me on his. "Malfoy, come!"

"Swear it to me. That you will always be mine... that you will always be safe... that you will always return to me." he muttered, as he pulled up his sleeve. 

"Only, if you swear the same thing in return." My face was serious, "That you'll always come home to me." 

He took my forearm in his, and squeezed my arm, looking me directly in the eyes, never dropping his string gaze. Those deep brown eyes, that consumed me at the smallest of glance. They appeared begging, needy. 

"Oh?" Draco let out, as he peered into the room. 

Mattheo never took his eyes off mine, "We need a binder." he firmly said, grip tighter than ever. 

Draco walked over, I felt his eyes trail back and forth from Mattheo's to mine, both of us too captivated on each other. 

"Have you exchanged the swear?" He asked. 

We both nodded. As he raised his arm, waving it above ours as the tiny white string appeared, gleaming around our arms. 

"I swear." we both whispered, in unison. 

Draco quickly found his way out of the room, within the second the string disappeared. 

His eyes stayed locked on mine, as a small smirk appeared on his face. 

"You swore." he smiled. 

"So did you." I returned the smile. 

I don't think in that moment, what we both vowed to each other. The magnitude of it. 

In the middle of him trying to overthrow his father, do the impossible, we swore, essentially that we would die. 

I think we both knew it was a stretch, but we wanted it to be true, so fucking badly. 

But we swore, if he died, I would go with him. 

and if I died, he would go with me. 

Perhaps, this was better than an I love you. 

Perhaps, our I love you, sounded more like an I would die for you. 

I would die for him. 

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