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Mattheo made it happen. Like I knew he would. Enzo was arriving at the manor within an hour of my request.

I don't know why, this is what I asked for. Something in me just told me I needed to see my brother. Like his face, his words, his presence would be able to calm me.

Like when we were children, and mum would go too far, he was just there. I felt safe around him.

I prayed that I would get that feeling again, even if it was just for a short amount of time.

I sat in my room, and tried to make my self as presentable as possible. I didn't want to look absolutely destroyed, even though that's exactly what I was. I wanted to show I was still in there, somewhere.

Teesy popped into my room, informing me that Enzo was on his way up.

I felt my stomach fall. I looked so... different. I was skinny now, freakishly skinny, my cheeks bones stuck out, and my arms resembled sticks. I looked, unhealthy, yet I still had a tiny bump growing.

I heard the knock at the door, and took a deep breath in the seconds in between the knock and the door slowly opening.

I ran to him. Like children run to their fathers. I clinged to him, like my life depended on it.

I felt his arms rap around me, as a sigh left his mouth. Placing his chin on my head, hugging me tightly.

"Enz..." my words got lost, as tears built up in my eyes.

He pulled away, looking me up and down.

"Look at you." He took a deep breath, "A mum." He let out a soft smile.

"Enzo." I repeated.

"Sit. Relax, please. I'm here." He pointed to my bed. "Talk to me, Rose."

I followed him and sat, trying my best to swallow the lump in my throat so I could put my feelings into words without getting lost. 

"He tricked me, Enzo. You told me I was safe. I let my walls down." I dropped my head.

"You are safe. You know you are. Your my sister. I would never hurt you." He nodded.

"He grew close to me. Allowed me to feel for him, all from an order, I fell for it. I let him in. I knew better."

"No you didn't. You were hopeful. That's nothing to beat your self up about." He put his arm around me, "Mattheo is, he's always been complicated. If he followed the order, it was because there was more at stake. He wouldn't betray you, for the fuck of it."

"But he did. He gained nothing from it, he had me in the palm of his hands, for weeks, then it all changed. He has nothing now, not me. Not our daughter." My voice gave out.

"Daughter?!" I seen his eyes light up.

"Yes, Lorenzo. It's a little girl." My tears starting coming back.

"Oh Rose." I watched the light fade from his eyes. "You're going to be an amazing Mum. I know it." He pulled me closer. "And he will be an amazing father, if you let him. I know he will be."

"How could I?!" My voice broke, "I can't ever let him back in, it'll never be genuine, I'm so stupid. I actually thought... I just wanted love."

"Rose, oh rose." He whispered, brushing my hair, "he didn't ask for you, for no reason."

"What do you mean?" I whispered, pulling away from him, wiping my tears.

"Talk to him, Rose. You cannot do this alone. Especially when you shouldn't have too. I will be here for you, as much as I can. But your his now, sissy. You need to let him in."

The Arrangement  (Mattheo Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now