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Many rounds of champagne later, the night finally came to an end.

Thank Merlin, I couldn't feel my feet and wanted to rip this dress off.

"Lets go, Mrs.Riddle." Mattheo laughed, pulling me out of the front door, before appearating us back to the manor.

I lost balance a bit, but he quickly caught me.

"You were bearable, tonight, Riddle." I laughed, placing my hand over his on my arm where he caught me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He looked insulted.

"You laughed. You talked to me. Like actually spoke to me. It was nice. I wasn't so... lonely." I smiled at him.

"I don't want you, to be lonely, Rosalia." He whispered.

Him saying my name sent shivers down my spine.

Maybe it was the champagne, doing my thinking for me. Making me think this awful thoughts.

"So, don't make me lonely, Riddle." I whispered, trialing my fingers up his neck line.

"I can't let you in, it's not right to you." He whispered as he looked down, tensing at my touch.

"Then, just for tonight." I lifted his chin to look at me, "I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Fuck." He muttered, as he grabbed my face, colliding our faces together. As his lips pried my mouth open and he forced his way in, letting his hands run wild all over my body.

Soft moans escaped my lips, it felt so good to be touched, even it was by him.

He scooped me up, carrying me up to his bed room, as he trailed kisses down my neck.

When he got to his bedroom, he threw me on his bed. Quickly picking up where he left off. His lips smashed into my neck as his fingers found my zipper, maniacally pulling it down and ripping my dress off of me.

"Fuck." He mumbled again, before brining his lips back to mine.

I quickly started unbutton his shirt, popping at least three buttons before getting it off of him. I wanted him. Or maybe the Champagne wanted him. But something in me completely shifted, and I knew I wouldn't be satisfied until I had him.

He trailed his fingers down my body, stopping right above my underwear, teasing at them. Driving my body absolutely insane.

I grabbed his hand and pushed it down, showing him how eager I was for his touch. I could tell this did things to him, because he let out a large sigh of pleasure at the touch of me.

I quickly sat up straddling him against his head board, feeling him his hard, large shaft under me.

He quickly moved his hands to palm my breast, as I left kisses down his jaw, onto his neck.

He couldn't contain himself any longer.

Throwing me from him, flipping me onto my stomach and pulling me onto all fours, teasing my entrance as he grabbed a fist full of my hair, pulling me far enough back, to give me sloppy kisses, then trailing them up and down my back.

"Please, Mattheo." I moaned.

"Please, what, baby?" He spoke in a raspy voice.

"Please. I need you."

Without any hesitated he pushed into me, causing a loud moan to escape my lips.

He felt so good, he was touching all the right spots, kissing all the right places. His hands were firm on my hips and he thrusted hard, into me.

It almost felt perfect, like this was something I could get used too.

He kept going, and going. Leaving hand prints and hickeys across my body, before we finally finished in unison.

I threw myself back on his bed, panting.

He laid himself next to me, rolling over and moving my hair out of my face.

"I would've done that a lot sooner if I knew what you were keeping from me." He let out a small laugh.

"Well..." I sighed, "You said you didn't have time for cit chat." I rolled over, still trying to collect my breathing. I sat up, as if I was going to leave.

"No. Stay." He ordered, pulling me back down into his arms.

I couldn't help but smile. Something about this felt so right. 

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