Ch.42~ Disowned.

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Enzo and I stood like statues. My breath had completely stopped as her words left tiny cuts up and down my spine. I felt Enzo's hand brush mine.

No way out.

No appertation.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before slowly turning to face her. She stood, not too many feet ahead of us, the damned dragon at her side. Her head, tilted, in a demented way, with her nasty smile across her face.

"Did you truly think I would not get alerted you entered my families vault?" she laughed, an evil laugh, stepping closer.

"Our family." I held my head high, trying to prove a sense of confidence.

"You are NOT my family!" her words echoed the deep grounds of the vault.

My eye's grew wide, as I constant felt Enzo's hand slightly tap mine, as if he was trying to keep me in line.

"It doesn't have to be this way mother." Enzo stepped towards her.

"Do not call me that boy, you picked your side. With her... the little girl who can't even please our lord!" Her eyes darted to mine. "I mean, what on earth are you good for?!"

"I am your daughter." My voice cracked a little.

"You are nothing but a disappointment." She shook her head, before raising her wand, hitting me with a stun to the chest.

I felt my body fly, and roughly hit the stone wall. I'm not sure what hurt more, her words or the wall. Its not that I wanted my mother to love me. Truth be told, I didn't even like her. But, no child wants to hear that they are a disappointed to their mother.

"If you think you're leaving this bank, with that chalice, you are just as dull as I thought you were." She hissed.

This clearly struck a nerve for Enzo, as he raised his wand and tried to stun her, but she was too quick, to smart, she dodged it and had it rebound to me, as I hit the floor just as quickly as I got up.

She walked over to me, my vision was blurry from hitting that wall, but I seen her shadow moving closer, I felt her ice cold hands as they reached around my throat, pinning me to the wall.

"You stupid girl." She hissed, inches from my nose, "It could've been so simple... You could've made me so proud." With each passing word I felt her grip tighten. "Hand over the chalice, and I will spare you."

I wondered if she really would take the life of her own daughter, I wondered if that meant anything at all to her.

"I am not the one... who needs to be spared." I muttered, as I struggled to catch my breath.

I seen the darkness grow in her eyes, as she wasted no time in giving me a clean blow to my stomach. This was the woman, who was supposed to be my protecter, my own flesh and blood, but in this moment I realized she was no one else, but an opponent, an obstacle in my way. An evil incarnate, the symbol of everything I am now fighting against.

One thing about my mother, is she possesses an unparralled level of skill and ruthlessness, that makes her so fearsome. Her abilities combined with her agility and cunning make her a force to be reckoned with... but I knew, whatever she was made of, I was made of the same thing. I had it in me.

I let out a cough as I looked up at her, swallowing the large lump that now found its way to my throat. Something... shifted. I knew what I had to do.

I balled my fist, as hard as my body would allow me and I simply, let it fly, connecting with her face. I could tell, she was thrown off, I could tell she never thought I would ever raise my hand to her, but she made it clear.

She is not my mother, and I have a job to complete.

She shot me one final look before coming straight back for me. Before I knew it, we were in a full blown brawl. I had years worth of anger built up for her, and she had the humiliation of me on her side. It was as if, magic didn't exist. Just our hands.

Her hits hurt, mentally I felt like I was a little girl again, being punished for something I had said, or done, begging for her to stop. But I wasn't the tiny girl in our family manor anymore. It was a mental fight, more than a physical one.

I took blow after blow, my head being bounced back and forth with every punch and slap. She didn't spare an ounce, hissing insults between every hit.

"You know, you should've been a boy!" "You're a traitor!" "I'll smile when I take your life!" "I planned you dead since they told me you were a girl!" And lastly, "you've never once, made me proud."

I needed to win. I needed to get home to Mattheo.

I needed to free myself of her, and her violence and darkness that plagued our family for generations.

I need to get home, to Mattheo.

I heard Enzo's yells, and begs to stop.

I wasn't going to stop, until she killed me, or I walked out of here.

I felt the blood, rushing down my face, from my nose, and busted lip. Through the stings of her slaps and blunt force of her punches, I had one thing on my mind.


She had pinned me down, on the cold stone floor, her hand gripped at my neck, the other reaching into her dress, to pull out her dagger.

She pinned it to my neck, replacing her hand, as I felt the sharp blade being pushed into my neck.

I tried to catch my breath, I tried with everything in me, as my chest rapidly jumped, looking up into crazy eyes, the eyes that were supposed to love me.

"Rose!" I heard Enzo scream for a final time, the terror  in his voice frightened me a little.

"Anything you would like me to tell your dearest husband?" she laughed, as I felt the blade now causing me to leak blood.

I coughed, and squirmed trying to escape... it was pointless.

I felt the cold ground beneath me, the jaded loose rocks and pebbles at my finger tips.

I took all my strength, and took one final breath.

"Tell... dad... I said... hi." I muttered, as I picked up the sharpest rock I could fell at my fingertips, quickly swiping it across her neck.

I watched, as her eyes grew wide, and she grabbed both her hands to her neck. Her hands staining with her blood.

She fell to the floor next to me, as I kicked her wand away from her, so she couldn't heal herself.

I felt free, no guilt, no remorse. I felt free.

I looked down, as she took her last breaths, as she tried to beg and plea her way to life.

"I hope following him, was worth loosing us." I whispered, looking down at her struggling, "all I ever wanted was a mum."

I stood back up, looking over at Enzo's face which seemed to be in a state of pure shock and loss of words.

"Were free, Enz." I nodded to him, as a slight smile of relief spread across my face, as I felt my body starting to give out, "Were free."

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