Ch.27~ Responsible.

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I held him in my arms for a while. I could feel the truth, like it was pulsing through the air. He wanted me. He needed me. His scattered breathing and gasps for air, proved that to me. The way his arms, held tightly around my body. The relief that was displayed across his face, that I was alive. I was here with him. He needed me with him. 

I think I needed him too. 

"I want to give you, whatever you want." he whispered. 

"Revenge, Mattheo. I need revenge." I looked down into his eyes. He was laid on top of me. 

"I told you. I killed every death eater in attendance. Theo and Draco helped, while Enzo brought you back here. Theres not a living soul who could've done this to you alive." he shook his head, in confusion. 

"I don't think the one responsible is dead. Theres no plausible way, he stayed. I want to know who did this to me, and I want to be the one to take care of this." I nearly demanded. 

"I didn't even think they could've left. We came out almost immediately... fuck." he sat up. 

"You need to find out who did this. For me." I adjusted my self, putting my hand on his cheek. 

"I don't want blood on your hands, Rosalia." he put his hand over mine. 

"It needs to happen. So I can heal. I'll be fine. My hands aren't clean." I nodded, trying to convince him. 

"Fine. I'll find out. I swear." he looked away, towards the door. 

"Stay." I pulled his face back. "I want you here, with me."

"Thank Merlin." he sighed, laying down next to me.

Sleep, was nonexistent to me now. I barely knew it before, but now. It only happen in the early morning hours, if I was lucky, two maybe three hours at a time. Teesy would have to slip me dreamless sleep, to get me to rest. Truth was, I wasn't ever going to rest, until I had answers. 

It amazed me. How three months ago, I couldn't care less for my pregnancy. Two weeks ago, I wanted to be the best mother alive. Two days ago, it was ripped from my hands. 

I was a Berkshire, before I was a riddle. Daughter of Bellatrix. Evil, pulsed through my veins, I was aware of this. All my life, I found ways to keep it at bay. I made my own name for my self, apart from my mother's tainted reputation. Now, I was going to let it free. Show everyone the true meaning of a hurt woman. I was a force to be reckoned with. I was going to make sure everyone involved, felt every ounce of my pain. 

I was Rosalia Riddle. 

I woke in the morning, alone. I had found peace in his arms and allowed myself to drift. 

I didn't miss waking up alone. I quickly threw on my robe and headed down the stairs. I found Mattheo pacing his study, Theo and Enzo sat in the corner chairs. 

"Rose!" Enzo shouted, throwing himself from his chair. "I was so worried. I am so fucking sorry."

I embraced his hug. But forced my self to stay in one piece. 

"I'm okay brother." I nodded cupping his face. 

"Fuck." he mumbled, hugging me again. 

I brought my gaze over to Theo. Who looked equally as worried. 

"I am so sorry, Rosa. I shouldve had more security measures. I haven't been able to sleep. I am so fucking sorry." he stood. 

"Its alright Nott. It would've happen eventually." I tried to brush it off. 

I locked eyes with Mattheo, he knew I wanted answers. 

"I know who did it." he spoke, shaking his head. 

"Well?" I titled my head. 

"Rose, you mustn-" Enzo tried to speak. 

"Who, Mattheo!" 

"Greengrass. Florian Greengrass." he snapped. 

My cousins, wife's father. 

It all clicked in my head. 

She knew, telling me that about Mattheo would send me into a spiral. Causing to me run off, need to be alone. That bitch set me up. 

My blood boiled, I seen red. 

Pure red. 

"Theres a gala... at their manor... tonight." Theo softly spoke, leaning against Mattheos desk, with a mischievous smile. 

"Tonight then." I smirked. 

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