Ch.5~ Smile.

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I felt my body relax at the sound of his voice. Like I could let my self completely go for a moment. As if I could forget where I was, or what I had just done.

I ran up to him and threw my self into his arms. A sense of calmness ran through my body, the type of peace only your older brothers arms can give you.

"Okay. Okay. Its alright, Rose. Breath." He whispered as he rubbed my back. "You're alright. You did brilliantly."

I stepped back from him, to collect my self.

"Its just... so many people. So many familiar faces, so many people I never even seen before! Did you see-"

"Yes, I seen him. Never mind him. You knew this place would be crawling with people. How are you alone anyway? Wheres Mattheo?" His tone was one I couldn't read.

"I don't know. I told him I needed air and he told me to collect my self before he came back. Enzo, this is a lot. I don't know if I can do this." I started shaking, again.

"The hard part is over Rose. Like I said, he's my friend. He wouldn't make you uncomfortable or anything of the sort. Your safe." He took a long breath.

"Oh yes, I'm so safe being The Dark Lords son's wife. His daughter in law. I am so so safe!" I almost mocked him. "I'm sorry, I just need a nice long sleep in my bed."

I felt his body shift.

"You're not coming home, Rose. Mum sent over your belongings this morning. This is your home now." He could never look me in the eyes when he gave any sort of news he knew would throw me through a loop.

Im not stupid. I knew I would move to the Manor. I just assumed I would be aware of the date, be able to pack my own belongings. Have some sort of in sight to it.

Yet, another thing I am not in control of.

"Of course I'm not. Merlin forbid you told me that!" I couldn't help my voice from raising.

"I knew how you'd take it."

"I'm your sister Enzo! Your supposed to look out for me, protect me, tell me things! Does that mean nothing to you?!" I took a deep breath.

"Of course it does. You'll always be my little sister. You're just... you're not my responsibility anymore. You're a Riddle."

That was the final dagger from him. Him, signing my life away, I could've move passed it. But, disregarding me as his responsibility, saying that I am no longer of his concern, that was a cut that went deeper.

"Thats how its going to be then?" I dryly asked, eyes set on him.

"It's how it has to be Rose. You are Mattheo's now. I don't have much say over you anymore." His eyes showed remorse, but his words spoke relief.

"I cann-"

"Enzo! May I steal my wife back now? Afraid people are starting to wonder where we've run off too." Mattheo rudely interrupted, a smirk placed on his face.

"Of course, Matt. Beautiful wedding, really." I never seen Enzo kiss ass before, it was quite the sight.

"You know how my father is." Mattheo said with a dry laugh, "Looks like we're finally family, brother." He nudged Enzo's arm.

"Marriage couldn't make us any closer, you know that." Enzo laughed.

I, stood there, absorbing every word my brother just spoke to me. He was my space space, my comfort and my ear to chew off when something was eating me alive. Now, I have no one. He made that abundantly clear.

I was a wife. Mattheo's wife. I was nothing more, or nothing less. That was my soul purpose now. I was a pawn. A piece of property. I no longer served the Berkshire name. I was a Riddle.

I found myself being led back into the ball room, as another round of applause overcame me.

"Smile, would you. Your going to be all over the front page of the Daily Prophet. Make it a nice picture." He whispered into my ear, as he gave my hand a slight squeeze.

My first order, smile.

I let a tight smile form on my face, which was the furthest from what I felt inside.

He suddenly dipped me, with a very convincing smile from ear to ear looking down on me. I placed my hand on his chest, and kept my tight smile. I could tell he was displeased. He bent down and placed a soft kiss on my lips, even with my eyes closed, I saw the bright flashings of the camera.

One thing played in my ear the whole night.

You're a Riddle now.  

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