Ch.49~ His Eyes.

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The room completely chilled over. I watched Mattheo's begging eyes stare right into my soul. I knew then and there, he didn't know what to believe, who to believe. I so desperately needed him to believe me. I needed him to do it. I knew how much it meant to him, to rid this earth of his father, to bring peace to the wizarding, and muggle world. I knew, how he would feel if he didn't. It would be a burden he carried forever. 

I knew of the peace he needed to bring to himself. A life, of his own control. To be free. 

I needed him to know, how to be free. Even if it meant, I never got to be.

I made this decision, effortlessly. It was simple, really. Don't alter the spell, and loose everyone I love, loose Mattheo. Carry on through life, alone. Or sacrifice my self, for his dreams, for his ambitions, for the moral good, and know I am leaving behind the best things in my life. I knew they'd at least have each other. 

I was at peace with it. 

It was the clear choice to me. 

But his eyes, they didn't know who to believe. 

As I looked into Voldemorts cold, merciless eyes, I knew he didn't care either way. A surge of courage, of peace, courses my veins. This wasn't about just saving Mattheo's life, it was about Enzo, Draco, Theo, the entire world; I am also reminded about the simple fact of standing up against good and evil and protecting and restoring all that is good in the world... all that is good in Mattheo. 

Fear grips me tightly, causing a knot-like sensation that twist and turned in my gut. Of course I was terrified. I didn't know what came after this life... I just knew it was better than life without him. 

It was as if everything was slow motion, like Mattheo's eyes were the only things I could see in this room. His deep, beautiful brown eyes. I didn't feel the wand being pressed into my neck. I didn't hear the arguments happening between the boys. I only seen him. 

That was good enough for me. 

"Mattheo don't do it." Enzo hissed.

"He's bluffing!" Draco yelled. 

"Matt..." Theo stuttered. 


"Do it, Riddle!"


"He is lying!"

"Rose, say something!"

"Mattheo, it's okay, I promise, he is lying, I love you!" I yelled. 

"I don't... I don't kn-"

"Mattheo, I swear, okay?" 

"Rose, I can't..."

"You can, I'm okay, look at me, I'm okay!"

"Do it, boy! Go ahead!"

"Don't, Riddle."

"I promise, baby, he is lying!" 

"I love you, Rosalia."

"I love you always, Mattheo."

"I can't fuckin-"

"Listen to me Mattheo! Do it! I am okay!"




"Avada Kadavera."

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