Ch.30~ Adjusting.

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I slept like a baby that night.

And every night after.

My conscience was as clear as the sky on a sunny day. I never thought twice about what I did. I might even go as far as to say, on some days, I was happy I did it.

It was adjusting to life, without her. Or what life could've been, with her. Knowing how happy I could've been. Seeing as Mattheo and I somehow made it through our spat, and as of late, have been inseparable. It would've been nice. Having a family to call my own.

Maybe one day.

Now, there's a dark cloud that lingers. The Dark Lord. We have yet to receive repercussions for our actions. Or any of Mattheo's. He had almost single handedly killed 150 the night it happen. We publicly executed a family who belonged to the Sacred 28.

It was silent. Too quit. Each day we woke up and waited.

Nothing ever came.

Life continued, as usual.

Mattheo still had task's. I was here.


The only thing that had changed was how much time Mattheo and I had began spending together. We now shared one room. No more separate wings. We spent meals together. Talked. It was becoming normal.

There was a tension, in the air between us. I was Afraid to give myself to him, again. After the loss, and everything surrounding it.

I think, I was afraid of being hurt again. I trusted him. Whole heartedly I trusted him. Yet, sometimes in the back of my head, I think I would always wonder if he was being genuine.

I sat, at the piano in the drawing room. Playing a random melody, getting lost in the tune. The sun had nearly set, which always looked so beautiful out of the big window next to the piano.

His cold hands, sent a shiver down my spine, causing me to jump when he touched me.

"Didn't meant to scare you, love. Was just tired of admiring from afar." He whispered, as his hands made their way down on top of mine, and our fingers played the cords together.

He knew, how to push me. The slightest touch of him, sent me mad. I wanted him, it wasn't that. It was just that tiny fucking voice in my head. But, when he touched me, god when he touched me.

I turned my head, to look up into his gorgeous brown eyes, which were already looking into mine.

I just looked. Like a lost puppy. Like a girl, who needed to feel something.

I felt his fingers, dancing on top of mine, the way they were so gentle... so strong.

I watched his eyes, as they danced between my eyes and my lips.

I knew he wanted to give in, he respected me too much.

I wanted him to give in.

So fucking badly.

I slowly turned, slipping my hands from under his, now facing him as he towered in front of me.

I was in a short, silky night gown of a dress, and watched his eyes widen at the length.

I kept my gaze on him, as I trailed my hands around his waist, almost teasing.

He looked down at me, shaking his head. Waiting, as if he was waiting for permission. As if, he was ready to jump, at any moment.

I could tell my head placement, in itself was driving him insane. Being eye level with his belt, as my legs were crossed in between his.

I slowly reached up, unbuttoning his shirt, one by one, with each button, pushing my legs further and further away.

I was denying my self, this entire time of the one thing I wanted.


I watched his tongue, as it rolled the inside of his cheek, and he threw his head back in frustration. Watching his excitement grow in other places too.

He looked so damn good.

His hand trailed my jawline, stopped at the base of my head and strongly gripping it.

"Say the words, Rosalia." He almost groaned.

I took a moment, to grow the tension, as I admired his beautifully cut stomach.

I brought my eyes back up to his, which looked so hungry.

"I want you, Mattheo." I whispered.

That's all it look, to drop the most powerful man in England, on his knees in front  of me.

He quickly removed my underwear, chucking them across the drawling room, and in the same motion, slamming the doors with the flick of his hand, locking him.

My grip tighten on the edges of the piano bench, and my head flew back in pleasure as I felt his tongue trailing up and down all the right places.

He drove me absolutely mad.

Why was I denying my self heaven?

"Mattheo." I gasped, gripping the seat harder.

"No. Not until I say." He nearly ordered, brining his face up to mine.

"Please." I begged.

"Fuck." He let out a small smirk, before crashing his lips onto mine, picking me up from the piano bench.

I wrapped my legs around his body, as I tugged for him to remove his shirt. Our lips never left each others.

He put me back down on the ground, swiftly removing my dress before my feet even touched the floor.

I watched as he admired my body, before quickly turning me around and bending me over the grand piano.

I heard his belt come undone, and his pants hit the floor, and his trailed his hands wildly across my body.

He took a fist pull of my hair, violently pulling it back, placing his head next to mine.

"I have waited so long for this." He whispered, leaving kisses down my neck.

"Please. Fuck me, Mattheo." I begged.

He quickly thrusted himself into me. Never letting go of my hair.

Whispered sweet praises into my ear, as wild moans escaped my mouth.

He must've sensed I was close, he quickly turned me around, lifting me up and placing me on top of the piano.

"I want to see your face, while I make you finish." He whispered, locking his eyes into mine, reentering.

Every time I closed my eyes, he stopped. He was torture, in the best ways.

We finished in unison, but he pulled him self out of me, finishing on the floor in between us.

For some reason, this took me back.

"I told you. I wouldn't do that to you, again. Not until you tell me you want it." He mumbled, banishing it from the floor.

A small smile took over my face.

I felt better now. Safer, if that was even possible. I felt my self, falling harder and harder.

I jumped off the piano, throwing my arms around him, leaving a soft kiss on his lips.

"You were fucking amazing." I kissed him again, "that just made it even better."

"You were worth the wait. You always were." He smiled.

"MASTER! MASTER!" We heard Roory's tiny hands pounding on the door.

We both threw our heads back, in annoyance.

"It better be good, Roory!" Mattheo screamed back through the door.


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