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The following afternoon, Teesy popped into my room at about five o'clock. I'll never get used to her random pops, they were so loud.

"Rosalia is to start getting ready now." She bopped her head at me.

"Yes Teesy, I was just about too." I sighed as I got up from the bed.

"Is ma'am alright? She seems angry. More angry than she usually is."

"I am fine Teesy." I snapped back. "Just, nervous for tonight."

"I hears thats normal." She put her head to the side.

"Help me pick a dress, would you Teesy?" I turned to her. I felt bad for snapping at her, she didn't know better.

"Green. Looks nice with yous eyes." She pointed.

I rolled my eyes. Thats the one Mattheo wanted me to wear. I didn't want him to think I wore it just for him.

"Or whatever yous like." Teesy added.

"No. Perfect choice. Help me put it on, please Teesy."

She happily did just so. The dress fit me like a glove. Hugged all the right places, it really was a beautiful dress.

I sat at my vanity, charming my way through hair and makeup. I stopped to admire myself in the mirror, before nothing it was time to head downstairs.

I felt pretty. I practiced my smiles, and head nods and set off down the stairs.

The sound of my heels walking on the marble floors echoed through the empty manor.

I turned the corner, and Mattheo stood there, waiting for me.

He looked very handsome. In an all black fitting suit, his hair still as messy as ever. His wild curls all over his face.

He really was a handsome boy. I didn't spend too much time looking at him, I didn't want him to think anything of it.

He looked me up and down as I entered the foyer, eye brow raised, with a tiny smirk across his face.

"Wow." He whispered under his breath.

"You too." I let out a small chuckle.

He put his elbow out for me to grab, and I did just so. His eyes stayed on me. I think this was the longest he's ever looked at me. He didn't seem forced too. He looked happy, for once. The anger wasn't eating away at him, at least not that I could see.

He apperated us, to the front door of the biggest mansion I've ever seen. It was covered in windows, grand doors, lighting. Even the outside was marble. I tried not to let my face show my shock.

"i'll stay with you the whole time. We won't be here long." He whispered as the front door magically swung open.

This place was packed to the brim. It wreaked of money, and arrogance. Laughter filled the walls. A few men stopped to turn to us, rushing over to great us.

"Mr. And Mrs.Riddle! An honor." As they shook our hands.

Smile. Nod.

Mattheo got lost in political conversation, keeping his hand on the small of my back, while I let my eyes wander the home, helping my self to the champagne floating around.

I didn't even know who's house this was, who's dinner it was, or for what reason. I was just expected to show up, on his arm and smile.

Glass after glass. Made the conversations much more bearable.

I even got my general responses down.

"Mrs.Riddle, what are your opinions on your husbands work?" They'd look at me wide eyed, where I would turn and say, "My husband is the hardest worker I know, I believe in whatever he does. I am so proud of all his efforts." As a smile took my face, and I'd pat his chest.

Each time I said it, I felt his fingers tickle my back.

We finally escaped people for two seconds, as I helped my self to my fourth glass. He just stood there, smiling at me.

"Hm?" I asked, while taking a sip.

"Nothing. You just truly look beautiful tonight." He nodded back.

"Shut up, Riddle." I laughed.

"Riddle. No one has called me that since school." He let out a laugh, I could see his mind wandering back.

"Perhaps that will be your nickname then." I nodded with a smile.

"Mattheo will do just fine." He gave me a look.

"Rose!" I heard a manly voice shout from across the room, not many people called me rose, I quickly turned to see Draco making his way over to us.

"Draco!" I screamed, pulling him into a hug.

"Mattheo, you bastard!" Draco laughed, pulling Mattheo in.

"So?! How is it, being married and what not?!" He laughed.

"Oh just wonderful." I sarcastically laughed, before taking another sip.

"Draco, I was looking everywhere for you!" Astoria Greengrass laughed, slapping his chest.

"Sorry, I seen Rose and had to come over, you guys remember Astoria, yes?" He put his arm around her.

"Of course, how are you?" I smiled as I turned to her.

"Oh, been better. Congratulations, by the way! Was a beautiful wedding, I was there but never got the chance to come up to you." She smiled at me.

"Oh thank you! No worries really, it was a crazy night.

As the boys lost themselves in their conversation, I lost myself in the Champagne, and meaningless conversation with Astoria. It just felt good to talk to someone who wasn't Teesy.

"So, is it that bad?" She whispered to me.

"I don't think so, I mean, were still figuring each other out. We Weren't close in school, so its just a bit awkward." I smiled.

"Oh thank god. Draco and I are next up, I just hope it isn't weird." She sighed.

"I had no idea! Congratulations! Oh stop it, you guys actually have a connection, it'll be different for you guys." I gave her a reassuring smile.

My own cousin to be married, and I had no idea. It hurt.

"I hope so. Whats the worst part?" She leaned in.

"Just boredom. He's busy mostly during the day, so I'm lonely." I whispered back.

"i'm sure the nights make up for it though." She let out a small chuckle.

I just laughed back. I had no interest in diving into my nonexistent sex life with my cousins future wife. It wasn't even something, I, myself liked to think about. 

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