Ch.46~ Last Time.

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I was reading the following day after he had be pinned to a wall, telling me I was utterly insane, and this was the way it had to be. 

I called bluff. I knew, if I tried hard enough, I could find away. I shoved my head in books for so long, I knew inside every library, I knew what authors to look for, how to find it. I knew I could. 

I found a few things, but I nothing to stop Mattheo in his tracks long enough to listen to me. One of them, was to find the wizard who expanded the spell, and get him to sever the tie. Seemed impossible, considering whoever did this, must be very close to him, unwilling to cross him. 

Another option was, find a way to remove the mark in itself, which was also near impossible. All of those who tried in the past, ended up dead. No matter which way they tried. It was a cruse that pulsated their very veins, practically made up every fiber of their beings. Pointless. 

It wad dark, ugly magic. One that you don't play with. The kind that stains your soul, forever. No matter how you looked at it, no matter how far you got from it. You would carry it with you forever. 

I also considered telling Mattheo we should just run away. Far away, and leave this all behind. He wasn't looking for us now, or at least I thought he wasn't. I over heard Enzo and Draco talking one evening, about how he knew our very coordinates. That it was only a matter of time before he sent someone for us, no matter how many protection charms he put on this house. 

You would think, with Mattheo impending his death, practically planning it to the minute, he'd at least want to see me. Sit with me. Talk to me. 


Quite the opposite. He was avoiding me at all cost. The only time I saw him was late at night when he would climb into our bed. Even then, silence. I could feel him, looking over at me, practically burning a hole in the back of my head. But, not a word. 

It was frustrating. 

So, that night when he crawled into bed, I stood up, and found my way our of the room. Just like I planned, he followed me.

"Rose? Where the fuck are you going?" I heard him calling from behind me. 

I ignored, and found my way to that tiny window that lead to the roof, and climbed out. He followed, even then. 

"Are you mad?" he huffed, throwing himself down next to me. 

I kept my eyes on the beautiful, starry sky. 

"Rose? Why are we out here?" he shrugged my shoulder. 

"Why are you ignoring me?" I whispered, bringing my eyes to him. 

"I'm not. I'm just... busy." he rolled his eyes. 

"Yes, planning your death is very time consuming." I scoffed. 

"Can you, for a moment, not be so selfish and see why it is that I am doing this?" he looked and sounded exhausted. 

"If I'm selfish, because I want you and the rest of them to stay alive, so be it." his words hurt me. 

"Its for everyones better interest that he goes, Rose. You know it. I know it." he laid back on the roof. 

"What about your better interest? Mine? Enzo's? Draco's? Theo's? What good is it that he is gone, if so are all of you. All you will do is leave the world in shambles. You'll leave... me. In shambles." I laid back next to him. 

"Tell me, Pretty Girl. Did you find anything?" he looked over at me.

"And if I did?" I met his gaze. 

"Then I'm all ears." he let out a soft smile. 

"I found a few things, I just need a few more days is all. I'm teaching myself how to break the spell. It's more a curse. Powerful... dark. I just need a few more days, please?" my voice began to shake. 

"I'll give you until tomorrow night, it's all I could Rosalia."

"Why just until then?!" I grew angry. 

"Hes planning things, things I cannot let him go through with." He sighed and began to stand up. "Come to bed, please. Come lay with me." 

I did, I held him and completed soaked in the new time frame I was just given. Twenty four hours. To figure out how to save their lives. 

There was one way, I read about and kept it in the back of my mind. A way I knew I couldn't share with Mattheo, or any of them, they wouldn't allow it. I wasn't looking for permission, and I truly had always hopped their would be another way. It was now evident, there wasn't. I was completely prepared for what I had to do. 

So, I held him. I held him and left tiny soft kisses on his head, as he wrapped his arms around me. I trailed my fingers up and down his back, and traced images with my nails. I soaked in the moment. I held him like it would be the last time. 

Because it would be.

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