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Enzos words lingered with me, long after he left me.

"He didn't ask for you, for no reason."

Somehow, I let this small detail escape my mind, these past months. I had completely forgotten that Enzo told me this, right before everything happened.

"Your his now."

The words, burned.

I had no problem belonging to another person, if they belonged to me, in return.

But that wasn't the case, it never would be.

I'd never receive genuine love, companionship. A deep love that the heavens them selfs couldn't tear apart. It was like wishing on a shooting star, or the wish you made before you blew out candles on a cake.


Out of reach.

But, I knew I had to talk to Mattheo. I had to figure it all out. It was as if Enzo was leaving me clues, on how to break through to him. I needed to listen. I couldn't ignore them.

I walked down, into the foyer, quickly looking through all the rooms. He was no where to be found.

I felt weak, as if my knees were going to buckle at any given moment.

I matched towards his staircase, practically throwing my self up them.

Roory appeared in front of me.

"Misses is not to be coming in here." His squeaky voice yelled.

"Roory, move." I ordered, pushing past him.

"Misses is not allowed!"

"I am allowed where ever I please!" I snapped.

My yelling must've alerted Mattheo, as his door on the top of the landing flew open.

"Roory, it's alright. Let her up." He ordered, motioning his hand away from me.

I walked straight into his room, immediately walking to the center of the room, and turning to face him.

"What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" His expression appeared on edge.

"I'm fine." I sternly replied.

"You scared me." He let out a deep breath. "How was your visit with Enzo? Do you feel better?" He walked over to a large desk he had in his bedroom, art materials spread across it, taking a seat.

"You requested me. When you had to get married. Why me?" I blurted out.

He gave me a puzzled look.

"Why me, Mattheo?" I whispered.

"I didn't know you knew that." He sat back in his chair.

"I've always known. It slipped my mind, at first. But I was reminded. I need to know. Why?" I backed up, taking a seat on the very edge of his bed.

"It's complicated, Rosalia." He let out a deep breath.

"I have time." I shifted, making my self appear comfortable.

Truth be told, my heart was in my throat. For some reason, I was terrified of his answer.

"I requested you, yes. When my father told me I was to be married, my only request was that it be you." He cupped his face in his palms, as he placed his elbows on his desk.

"Yes. I know this. I'm asking, why."

"Because, Rosalia. You're my best friends, sister. I'd been looking out for you, since your first day at Hogwarts." He now stood, pacing his room. "I watched you grow into the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, in my life. You never ever, left my mind. If you weren't right in front of me, Enzo was talking about you. I had to play scary brothers friend, but the whole time it was because I couldn't stand to see you with any of those boys who were throwing themselves at you! But you didn't care, you kept your head in your books, and sat in the same corner chair in the common room. You were so... put together. Innocent. Made me... crazy." He stopped for a second, to look up at me.

I couldn't form a sentence. My ears weren't allowing me to absorb all this information.

"When you got too drunk at parties, I had to be the one to walk you to your dorm, I didn't trust anyone. When Enzo said you were failing defense against the dark arts, I charmed your quill, so you'd pass. When you went on that horrible date, with McLaggen, I personally sent him to the hospital wing, but let Enzo take the credit. My rage would've been, questionable. When you went to the Yule ball, with Krum, I charmed your shoes, so you would be able to keep up with his dancing, so you wouldn't look.. stupid. I just wanted you happy. When the war broke out, I requested immediate protection over you, to insure nothing would happen to you. I was crazy about you. If I was going to get married, have any hope of actually being with a person. It had to be you, Rose." He stopped pacing, and looked down at me.

"It was always you, Rose." He huffed.

Speechless. I sat there, with a single tear rolling down my cheek, as I tried to remember my years in school with him, realizing all the tiny puzzle pieces he was connecting.

"I... had no idea." We're the only words I could let out.

"Of course you didn't. Enzo would have my head, but when marriage came about, he knew I was serious. I explained everything, came clean. Told him why, I needed it to be you." He took a deep breath, "I made the unforgivable vow to him! To protect you always, and to the best of my abilities hopefully actually, love you."

I lost it. I became completely undone.

"Then I fucked it up. And I have been beating my self up every single day. I never wanted it this way... but this is how I am. I am broken, I only break things. I'm fucking incapable of love! I never, wanted it this way. I was too scared, to let you in. Then I did and that stupid fucking order! Rose, I will never be able to tell you how fucking sorry I am." He still stood in front of me, arms waving, pleading for forgiveness.

"Mattheo." I whispered.

"I am so sorry."

"Come. Sit." I patted next to me, watching as his chest moved rapidly as he was practically forcing the air, in and out of his lungs.

He sat, and I put my arms around him, just to try to piece him back together, even if it was just for a moment.

As my arms wrapped around him, he threw himself around me, as I felt his breathing rapidly speed up, then slow down into a silent cry.

"I had no idea." I whispered.

The Arrangement  (Mattheo Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now