Ch.17~ My Girl.

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I let her words sink it.

It was a girl.

I was pregnant, with a baby girl.

Somehow this brought me peace. I was having a baby girl. Perhaps the doctor was right, and this was good for our bonding. Knowing what she was.

But then, I remembered what I was bringing her into. The life they she will be forced to live. Who her father is, and the circumstances in which she was brought into this world.

A part of me wanted to run away, give birth somewhere no one would ever find me. Raise her the right way. Teach her love and true happiness.

Another part of me wanted to never leave this bed for as long as I may live. Deep down, I knew no matter what I did. This baby, didn't have a safe place here.

But I wanted to protect her. Love her. Teach her. I didn't want her to have to suffer, the way that I did. With a mother who never knew love, abusing me every chance she got. I wanted to be a good mother. Even if that meant, I had to do this alone.

The doctor left, almost immediately after delivering the "bad news." I stayed, laying on my bed. Staring up at the ceiling.

"It's a girl." Repeating over and over in my head.

I closed my eyes and just laid. Sorrow was consuming me, as I heard whispers from outside my door.

A dew moment later, a knock.

I didn't say a word.

A knock again.

Once more, I said nothing.

Then he opened my door.

Mattheo creeped his head in, staring at me laying on my bed. He shut the door behind him, slowly making his was over to my bed.

"Rosalia, can we just talk for one second." He whispered sitting on the edge of my bed.

"It's a girl." I whispered back to him, my gaze set on the window. "A girl."

"I've heard." He softly said, staring down at the floor.

"But your father won't be happy, so who knows what order you'll get next." I huffed, turning my body away from him.

"Rosalia, just let me explain please." I felt him reach for me, but stop halfway.

"What more could you possibly have to say?" I finally rolled over, meeting his eyes.

"First off, you look horrible. I've been killing my self for weeks over what I did to you."

"Then why did you do it?!" I cut him off.

"At first, it was because I genuinely wanted too. I started finding comfort in your company. I felt.. safe. Then about two weeks after we started growing close, my father ordered I get started on an heir. I should've said no, okay? I took advantage of your kindness. But I swear it wasn't all a lie." His eyes almost appeared to be telling the truth.

"What wasn't a lie?" I whispered.

"When I would come in here, in the middle of the night, and just hold you. It was because I felt like you were the only one who could calm down. I craved your touch. Even if it was just for a moment." He put his hand out, reaching for mine.

"You fucked that up then, didn't you?" I sighed, rolling back over.

"I did, and I want to make up for it. I can't watch you throw yourself away like this. It's killing me. Rosalia, please." He begged.

"Please what, Mattheo?" I snapped. "I will never, ever forgive you. And I will make sure our daughter never does either. I will make sure she knows exactly what kind of monster you are. We're having a girl. It should be exciting and together. But you, fucked it up. Now she's mine. And she will always be mine. She will know exactly what her mother went through."

"Rosalia, just-"

"Mattheo; please. Just get the fuck out."

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