Ch.15~ Betrayal.

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I thought I understood betrayal. Maybe it was when my own mother would beat me. Or when my brother left me for the Death Eaters, alone with her. I definitely thought it was Enzo trading my off for marriage, with no hesitation.

I was wrong.

This was it.

I was looking straight into the eyes of a complete monster.

A manipulator.

A heartless shell of a man.

I felt my stomach drop, my legs go numb, and my grip slip off my fork as she dark lord let those words slip from his lips.

I tried my best to contain my self, I really did. Swallowing every lump that appeared in my throat, trying my hardest to make my body stop shaking from the anger.

I felt Mattheo's eyes on me, I refused to look at him. One look at his face, and I knew. It would be like a bomb had gone off in the middle of this fucking dinning room.

"I'm sorry?" We're the only words I could let escape.

"Your with child, Rosalia. Good work, Mattheo. This Heir will be everything our world needs to fall into place." He smiled. An actual smile. A smile that made me so uncomfortable I wanted to explode.

I was pregnant.

Mattheo had willingly made me pregnant, on an order.

A fucking order.

Everything... was a lie.

None of it, meant anything.

Once again, I was a pawn, in a game, I didn't want to play. I never wanted to play.

I completely let my walls fall down, I allowed him in. I felt as if I was being allowed in to him too, but it was all a facade.

"I'll leave you two with this news, I'm sure it's cause for celebration." He let out a dry laugh, "I'll start sending a doctor, for check ups. Meeting tomorrow morning, boy. Don't be late."

I watched, as if it was slow motion as he stood up, his robes sweeping behind him as he disappeared in our foyer.

I slammed my fork down, pushing my chair out from behind me.

"Rosalia, wait, please." He was right behind me.

"How could you?!" I snapped. The tears flowed, my voice nearly shirked. "Why did you do this?!"
I watched him step back, bringing his hand up his mouth, like he was speechless.

He was speechless.

It amazed me.

I turned and started out of the room again, he reached out to grab me.

I instantly pulled my hand back, feeling as if my skin now burned where he touched me.

"Don't you ever lay a finger on me again." I hissed. "Don't look at me. Don't talk to me. Don't touch me." I muttered out through my gasps for air. "You're dead to me."

I ran to my room now, slamming the door behind me as hard as I could. Pulling at the right dress that now felt like it strangled my body.

I felt dirty. I wanted to scrub my skin until it was raw. I never wanted to end everything, as much as I did right now.

I was pregnant.

I was fucking pregnant, with Mattheo Riddles baby.

Who was my husband.

How could a husband do such a thing to his wife.
Everything flashed through my eyes as I tore at my own skin. The way he held me. His meaningless whispers. The way he shook in my arms.

It was all fake.

A show.

A task.

An an order.

For me to let my guards down, for me to install trust in him. For me to allow him completely into my mind and body, and feel safe with him.

I wondered if anything he told me was true. Even an inkling of it.

I hated my self. I hated my self so much.

I fell for a complete and utter lie.

A lie.

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