Ch.24~ My Girl.

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I pulled my self together. I had too. There was a whole party down stairs. I heard the murmurs from all the way up here.

This was my first party, back. My cousin was here, his wife. My brother, was to be here. I needed to keep it together.

Just until I got home. At least.

I couldn't show weakness. This was instilled in me, since I was a child.

I couldn't show it as a Berkshire. Definitely not as a Riddle.

If anything, my strength was needed more now.

I looked in the mirror, splashing water and getting the clumpy mascara that now stained my cheeks off, charming a fresh new face of makeup on.

I unlocked the door, and made my way down the long, dark hallway of Nott Manor.

It was like a maze in this bloody place.

I came from this way.

I need you.

No this way?

I want you.

Maybe this hallway?

A few weeks before you were wed, she turned him down.

Did I come through a door?

It was always you, Rose.


Follow the music, Rosalia.

Follow the voices.

I was lost. How did I even manage to find the bathroom in the first place?

His words.

Her words, stained my memory.

These fucking hallways.




Okay, okay. Pull yourself together. Go back to the bathroom, and trail from there.

The bathroom, is this way?

Yes okay!

Now... this way.

"Mrs.Riddle?" A voice called, causing me to jump.

A death eater, stood at the end of the wall way.

"Lost?" He questioned.

"Yes, I appear to be." I mumbled.

"Right this was, Mrs.Riddle. Mattheo sent for you."

I nodded and followed. I guess a decent amount of time had past. This seemed normal, to me. One of his followers coming to find his wife. I had no reason to second guess it.

I followed him, down the same hallways I was just lost in.

I never saw his face.

He was tall and lean. A voice I've never heard, perhaps an older man. The mask always made them sound different.

He lead me down a tiny staircase, and lead to me a door, and stepped a side for me to walk in first.

I had no reason to suspect anything.

The gardens?

I walked in, and quickly turned.

"This isn't the.." I started.

But was quickly stunned.

My body, flew across the garden, slamming into a thorn bush.

"Next time..." He leaned over me. "The Lord says, to give him his boy." He spat, as I watched a green flair of light escape his wand.

I fell into emptiness.

The pain...

The excruciating pain...

The warmth, of the blood, I was now lying in a puddle off.

My girl.

I kept going and coming out of consciousness, I couldn't stand it.

Grasping and pulling at my stomach.

I needed to get up and run.

I needed to scream.

Anyone needed to find me.

My baby.

"Rose! What the fuck?!" A voice, shrieked.

That's the last thing, I remembered.

My girl.

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