Ch.32~ Gone.

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An eeriness took over our manor, as we apperated onto our front lawn. 

Mattheo was being consumed by anger, immediately walking away from me throwing his hands in the air, breathing rapidly, mumbling insanities. 

"Mattheo! Stop!" I screamed, slowly walking towards him. Even though the spell had been healed, I felt the stinging sinsation still, with every step I took. 

"Rose. Get in the house and change out of that fucking dress, right now. I cannot look at you stained in your own blood." he ordered, leaving his back facing me. 

"I'm fine. I promise." I walked closer, trying to reassure him. 

"I didn't ask if you were okay. Please, just go change!" he snapped. 

I took every ounce of strength in my body, and rushed passed him. It drove me insane that he couldn't look at me. I needed him. His words, I needed him to calm me. I realized more often, he wasn't well with his words. I can't stay I blame him. He was a talented writer, I had learned that over the past few weeks, but when it came to on the spot reassurance, it took him a moment. 

I was the one who needed a moment. 

I sat on our bed, waiting for him. I had changed and freshen up. Scrubbing violently at the blood stains on my chest, looking at all the tiny scars now left on my body. It was a nasty curse, one I was happy I used on Astoria. 

He came in the room nearly an hour later. His collared shirt now unbuttoned and untucked. He paused, and just stared at me. The neckline of my nightgown was low, revealing my new scars all across my chest. 

"Lay down." He ordered. 

"Hm?" I tilted my head. 

"Lay down, Rose." He repeated as he walked over to me. 

I listened, as he crawled on top of me, almost straddling  me in a way. His eyes never left my chest. I laid under him, confused on where this was going to go. He leaned over into his nightstand and pulled out a vile. 

He gently undid a few buttons, shaking his head as more and more scars appeared with every button. 

"How far do they go?" He muttered. 

"From my collar bone, to my bellybutton." I whispered, still looking up at him. 

He adjusting his seating on me, and undid the last button. He dropped a few drops of the liquid, closed his eyes and waved his hand above my chest. Mumbling something over and over again, gently tracing each scar as I watched them disappear. It was amazing, truly.  

He opened his eyes, and let out a sigh of relief at the fact that they were gone. He threw himself off of me, laying down next to me. 

"I should've done more. I should'nt have let him near you." he scoffed. 

"Mattheo, I promise, I am okay." I rolled over to face him. 

"No. That was a nasty fucking spell. It should have never happen. No one should ever touch you like that." he brought his eyes to meet mine. 

"I mouthed off, I knew what I was doing. Do not beat your self up, please." I brought my hand to his face. 

His eyes closed at my touch, I saw the peace take over his body. 

"I just sent word, to Enzo, Theo and Draco. I want him gone." he opened his eyes again. 

"What do you mean?" shock consumed my face. 

"I think we could do it. Once and for all." he nodded to himself, "I need him gone. Never to be able to hurt another soul again. Never hurt you again." 

"How on earth are you going to kill the most powerful wizard alive, Mattheo?" I felt the pit growing in my stomach. 

"I think you forget I am his son, I know everything. It will take some time, but I think I could do it. I have to do it." His words were almost convincing. 

"Why now?"

"Because he hurt you. Again. No one gets to hurt you, and live another day, Rose."

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