Ch.50~ Always...

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Time stood still. I felt the wand in my neck, drop to the floor, and quickly turned to watch none other than The Dark Lord, meet his end. As he dropped to his knees, and his soul dispersed. It was a sight, the relief in the boys eyes reassured me, I did the right thing. 

I felt it, right in the center of my chest. It was consuming me, and the air was thinning in my lungs, I knew it wouldn't happen right away, I had mere minutes. 

I watched as they stood, almost in awe, as they looked at each other and braced for their end... their end that would never come. 

"Rose..." Mattheo's voice broke. 

I tried to hold my pain in, I really did. I tried with every fiber of my being, but the air it was escaping me. 

I dropped to my knees.

"Fuck" Mattheo nearly screeched, running over to me. 

"You lied! You fucking lied!" He screamed, wrapping his arms around me. 

"I-i'm s-s-sorry." I struggled so hard to get out. 

I quickly glanced over to Enzo, who had his hands thrown over his head, practically wheezing for air, as Draco and Theo stood, jaw's dropped, eyes glassing over. 

"Why would you do this, Rose. It wasn't supposed to be this way. I needed you to live." I watched the tears stream down his face. 

"I- need y-you to b-b-be fre-e. Li-ve, for me Mattheo." I couldn't hold my tears in. 

"I can't baby." He gasp, "Why would you do this?!" 

"I l-l-love yo-o-u Mattheo." I whispered. 

"I love you so fucking much Rosalia." he could barely let the words escape his lips. 

"A-l....Alw... Always." Were my finally words. 

I closed my eyes, and surrendered to my fate. I did so, with a heart full of love, and my mind at peace. For in my death, I let Mattheo get the life he so desperately deserved. As my life slowly slipped away, the only thing I felt were his arms around my body, and his lips and tears against my forehead. For a moment, our love transcended mortality itself. 

I left this life, loved. I experienced a love that totally consumed me, that filled my life with purpose. A love that drove me mad, made me do unexplainable things. I was loved, the same way in return. I was loved in a way that scared others, that never left me questioning...a love that I would feel even after. 

I experienced all I wanted too. I was a loving wife, for a moment in time, a mother, I was  a caring little sister, a listening friend. I gave it my all. 

Most of all, I left this earth showing Mattheo, he was loved, that he deserved love. That he wasn't evil, and he deserved everything this world had to offer him...

Even if it was without me. 

He was free.

I was free, finally free, I was no longer a pawn, in any ones game. 

I was loved. 

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