Ch.26~ Revenge.

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I sat there, staring deep into his eyes as he told me what he had done. I felt... satisfied. I only had wish I'd been awake, aware, to help. 

He was right, it didn't bring her back, nothing ever would. Nothing would ever bring her back, but knowing none of those filthy, cold hearted monsters get to see another day, brought be relief. 

"I heard you all... when you were shouting... when you found me." I wiped my face, looking back up him. 

"Enzo found you, he was... wrecked. Draco and Theo tried to stop me from going out there, they thought I'd... they didn't think it was a good idea to see you like that. I obviously told them to fuck off." He huffed.

"You were yelling, I heard your voice... not to let me die." I bit my lips. "You didn't want me to die. You were scared."

"No shit." he shook his head, "Seeing you like that... all that blood. I was scared shitless, Rose." he looked up at me, his eyes were so deep, so full of emotions, yet so dead at the same time. 

"I was scared too, I thought I had died... I wish I had. Instead. I couldn't talk, I couldn't see. I was just begging to live, for her, to somehow..." I lost my self again. 

"Rose, if you would've died... I don't know. I'm not good at this... talking. I thought you died, and our last conversation was our last. I never proposed to Daphne. I swear on everything. I meant every single word I said to you, truthfully. To see you, like that... I have never been that scared in my entire fucking life. I have never been so angry." His voice kept cracking, he kept having to stop, to collect him self. 

He meant it. I could tell he did. Astoria, merlin knows why wanted us to fall to shambles. Embarrassment I assume. Having her family name, laughed at and practically spit on. 

Not that any of this, had any relevance now. 

Mattheo was telling the truth. 

I had lost a baby. 

Our baby. 

She didn't rip us apart, like she wanted too. If anything, she may in some way brought us closer. Hearing her words, made me realize how much I was starting to fall for him. The mere thought of him betraying me, brought me to my knees. I realize that now. 

I finally have something worth fighting for.

But, more then that, I lost something worth starting a war over. 

My daughter. 

Our, daughter. 

"I'm here, Mattheo. I'm alive." I whispered, pulling him into my chest. "But... I need revenge..."

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