Ch.48~ Lying.

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I quickly ran up to my room, gathering all of the material I would need, that I had hid under my pillow the night before, and ignored the letter addressed "Mrs.Riddle." placed so perfectly on the edge of the bed. 

Instead, I replaced it with my own, in hopes, he would somehow read it one day. 

I rushed to the front hallway and apperated to the front of The Dark Lord's Manor. 

It was quite, too quite. The earth was still, the sun was shinning, and not a single breeze blew. A beautiful day. 

I knew exactly, who and what I was looking for, and I wasn't going to leave until I found it. 

The spell binder. None other then Severus Snape. 

I knew his room, in the manor. I knew exactly where I had to go. I stood there, starring at the manor, hopping to Merlin, I wasn't too late. 

I closed my eyes one again, and apperated myself into Snape's room. He began living here after the fall of the order, Voldemort wanted more eyes on him, making him his complete disposable. At his every call. 

I cracked into the room, instantly drawing my wand. 

He didn't look startled, he didn't even look confused. 

"You have the same crazy look in your eyes, that your mother did." he softly spoke, sitting at his desk. 

"You know why I'm here?" I tilted my head, tucking my wand into my long black cloak. 

"Of course I do." he still, didn't budge. 

"Make this easy then, please." I crossed my hands in front of me. 

"You'd be saving all the wrong people, Rosalia." he stood, making his way over to me. 

"I'm only interested in saving four. The rest I know will be dealt with, punished for their crimes, once they live." I kept my tone steady, in efforts to show my seriousness. 

"You think your life is worth it?" he looked down at me, and suddenly I was back in Hogwarts, talking to my professor. 

"I know it is. Those boys, he deserves a chance. To live in a peaceful world, not filled with darkness. They deserve to know life, without this." I kept firm. 

"And you don't?" he raised an eyebrow. 

"Life without him, isn't something I would ever find worth living, Professor." I swallowed hard. 

"Call me Severus." he automatically said, "You put him too high, Rosalia." 

"They'll have each other. If they all go, I will have no one." I hissed. "I've made up my mind, please Serverus." 

"I am not here to convince you other wise, just to show you the reality a girl like you is blinded too." he turned away from me. 

"I won't regret it." 

"You cannot regret, once you are dead, dear." he tuned back around, letting out a small shake of his head. "Go a head. I know how you intend on breaking the spell."

"It's the only way and you know it." The lump had returned to my throat. 

"I shall see you soon, then." he nodded, placing his back to me. 

"Avada Kaderva." I whispered, as I watched his body hit the floor. 

I had to kill him, the spell binder, once I did that, I would have the opportunity to rewrite the spell, bond the life of Voldemort to someone else, besides those with the mark, it would only be open for a few moments, while Snape's magic still lived in the spell, so I couldn't let the shook of taking his life consume me. I wish I was heartless, and was able to bond his life to someone who meant nothing to me, someone who deserved it. 

But, Dark magic is specific, it is ugly, it is horrible. There was no one, to way else to rid the spell. I had to bond it to me. Since Voldemort's life was already bonded to something, it couldn't be undone, the bond had to be passed to someone else. A living person, with a connection to him. I was his daughter in law, I was perfect. No one else. The spell was written so precisely, I couldn't transfer it to one death eater, without transferring it to all. They were all linked. I was not. 

The second I rewrote the spell, and laid the essences on the table, I felt it. I felt his life tie to mine. It sent shivers down my spine. I felt dirty. Dark. Damaged. It was done. When Mattheo took his life, I would go too. 

I quickly tried to exit the room, when a masked figure appeared in the corner of the room.

It wasn't one of them, Merlin how I wished it was. 

He stunned me into the book shelf behind me, and grabbed me by the base of my head, pulling me down the long stair case. 

I felt my body hitting the stairs, as I tried to scramble to my feet. I winced, and fought with every stair. It was pointless. 

I was brought into the dinning room, Where Mattheo and the rest of them were. 

"Found this one, standing over Severus's dead body." the death eater stated, holding me out in front of him. 

"Rose?!" Enzo yelled. 

They all stood, wands drawn at Voldemort, things all over the room were broken and shattered, they'd been fighting. Mattheo had a cut across his face, Enzo's lip was busted, and Theo and Draco were bruised. 

"Let her go." Mattheo spat. 

From the corner of my eye, I seen the body of the snake, when my eyes met Mattheo, I found its head in his hands. 

"I SAID LET HER FUCKING GO!" his voice echoed the Manor. 

The man looked at Voldemort, who gave him a nod and my body hit the floor. Mattheo tried to rush over to me, but he was stunned back. 

Voldemort came up to me, and bent down to look into my eyes. 

"I know what you did." he mocked. 

"Fuck. You." I whimpered. 

He reached down grabbing me by my arm, pulling me up to him, holding his wand to my neck. 

I watched the anger in Mattheo start to rise. 

"Go ahead, take my life." His father teased. 

"Let her go. I don't want her to see this." Mattheo ordered. 

"Oh she won't be seeing anything, isn't that right?" He looked down at me, pushing his wand deeper into my neck, "Tell him."

"Stop." I whispered. 

"Tell me what?" Mattheo ordered. 

"She tied my life to hers! You kill me, she dies!" He laughed. 

He looked at me, confused. 

"He's lying!" I yelled. 

"Rose." Mattheo's eyes started to dart. 

"Mattheo, he's lying!" I repeated. 

"Is that a game your willing to play, son?" Voldemort laughed again. 

"Mattheo, trust me, he is lying!" I begged. 

"Rose, please." His eye's locked on mine. 

"I promise. I'll be okay." I whispered. 


"DO IT MATTHEO!" I screamed. 

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