Ch.35~ Burnt.

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My hands were blistered within the hour. I had somehow thought I could hold on long enough, that the burning would stop. I had to keep healing myself, over and over again. It was getting to a point where the healing spells weren't even working anymore, and the blisters were beginning to seep through. 

I feel like I waited days, for him to come back. 

Maybe its because I did. 

Maybe its because, he never came back. 

My mind, of course went to the darkest of places, that the worst had happen, and I would never know. I would never get out. I would never see him again. 

I tried to think of everything, to get the fuck out of this room. Even just for a moment. I think the worst part was that I had no idea how long had passed, I tried to count the sunrises but always seemed to forget the number before. Teesy hadn't even come in. I was left alone. The window, taunting me. 

I had tried for so long one day, my hand had basically melted onto the door handle. I tried to bust the door off the hinges. Break the window. I even resorted to throwing furniture. 

Nothing. Fucking. Worked. 

I needed to see him. To hear him. 

I couldn't hear a thing passed this door, and I don't think anyone could hear me either. I screamed, so loud I felt my vocal cords giving out. My throat burned. My hands, burned. My eyes burned. 

The walls grew smaller. I grew bigger. I sat, shaking. Crying. Driving my self mad. The panic attacks. 

I needed him.

It was late one evening, that much I could tell, when I seen the clouds of black smoke making their way up the long walkway to the Manor. My eyes widened, and my stomach sunk. 

I was so out of it, but I know I needed to be mentally and physically strong. 

Perhaps it was Mattheo, finally coming home. 

He told me he would always come home. 

I tried to count the clouds, there were too many to be him. Even if he had Theo, Enzo and Draco with him, there were at least double that. 

The bursted through the manor. In and out. In and out. 

I felt the heat rising. The smoke, flooding in through the crack under the door. 

They were going to burn the manor down. 

I had no way out. 

I was going to die here, with no way to save myself. 

Where the fuck was he? I refused for a moment to even allow myself to think, he was gone. He was going to come for me. 

He always came home to me. 

I tried everything again, even banging on the window, I don't care who were to see me, I just couldn't die here. 

Screaming. Screaming his name...

Begging for him...

But the smoke got thicker, and I grew weaker, and my lungs were beginning to wheeze. 

He always came home to me... 

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