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I couldn't walk myself to my room fast enough. I threw my self on the gigantic bed and allowed myself to fall apart. I felt so stupid. For a moment I tried to care for him. Perhaps it was stupid of me.

This house is just so big, and i'm all alone. This isn't what marriage was supposed to be. I had to remind my self constantly this wasn't a normal marriage. It never would be. He wasn't my friend, we barely spoke. We were just two people coexisting. An order that had to be filled, a task.

When I woke the next morning, Friday, there were big beautiful dresses hung from my wardrobe. A long elegant black one, with an open back. A deep green one with a deep leg slit, and a deep red, length to the floor with a dropped neck line.

They were probably the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen in my life, they looked as if they were made for me. I wanted to thank him, it was only the polite thing to do. But, I knew he didn't get them out of the goodness of his heart, it was something he had to do.

I would learn, everything he did was because he had too.

I took my usual afternoon stroll to the library, to trade my old book, for new ones. As I turned the corner I noticed him sitting in the dinning room, enjoying his lunch.

I kept walking, not stopping to greet him, or thank him. Not even a quick glance. He let me walk by, however on the way back, he was no longer there.

I marched myself back to my room, and found him standing in the middle of my room, eyes set on the dresses.

"This is my wing, perhaps you are lost." I dryly said, placing my books down on the desk.

"Just wanted to make sure you got the dresses." He nodded, still staring at them.

"Well, you see they are right there." I walked over to the window, placing a pillow on its edge. It was my favorite reading spot.

"I like the green one. Would look nice on you." He still didn't look at me.

"Noted." I didn't even look up from my book.

I was confused on why he was in here in the first place. He told me he had no time for chit chat, so why was he here?

"Well leave tomorrow, around seven o'clock. Can you be ready by then?" He finally turned to face me, giving me a puzzling look on why I was sitting on the window sill.

"Of course. I do nothing else all day, won't be a problem." I sarcastically replied, finally looking up at him.

He took a moment, as he stood there with his hands in his pockets, it looked as if he was admiring me. It made my skin tingle. It felt... wrong.

With out noticed, he turned and left the room, leaving me all alone. Once again.

I welcomed my loneliness like an old friend. We were friends at this point. I found peace in the quite. I had too, or I'd go mad. 

The Arrangement  (Mattheo Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now