Ch.31~ Trouble.

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Our gazes quickly left the door and returned to each other. A shocked expression overtaking our faces. 

I don't know why we were so shocked. We were always waiting for the other shoe to drop. This was it. 

My mind, went over this scenario so many time. Would he kill us on arrival? Drag it out? Mattheo took so many of his men. We killed on display, a scared family. 

There was so way, we were ever going to get out of this, in one piece. 

"Go get on a nice dress, fix your hair, meet me in the foyer in five minutes." His tone grew so serious, as he grabbed my cheeks in his hands. 

I nodded back to him. 

"I will not let him hurt you. I swear it." He placed a kiss on my forehead. 

"I won't, either." I whispered back, quickly darting out of the room. 

I knew my actions were justified. In my head, that was the only thing that mattered. I was right. In no universe could anyone blame a grieving mother, or father at that. We did what we had to do. 

Mattheo, did what he had to do. He protected his wife. His father should be happy, showed strength. A man willing to discard of his own men, its almost admirable. 

I know I admired it. 

I grabbed a dark green, long sleeved dress. Skin tight, shinny, floor length. Modest, but none the less, a dress. I quickly charmed my hair, into a slicked back pony tail, and applied a light makeup charm. I looked... neat. Put together. Unbothered. 

I took one last look in the mirror, I finally liked who was looking back at me. I wasn't going to let him take that from me. 

I ran down the stairs, as fast as I possibly could, without breaking a bone. 

He stood there, waiting. For once, he looked uneasy. An expression I've never seen before from him. 

"You look..." He started. 

"I know." I quickly answered, grabbing his arm. 

"Together." he nodded. 

I let out a small smile back as he apperated us to his fathers, manor. 

A huge display of his power, a manor unlike any I have ever seen. Made ours, look like a joke. We made our way into the large doors, as I felt his grip tightening on my arm. 

I wanted to tell him, I wasn't scared, that its okay, that we would be okay. Because I truly wasn't. He couldn't hurt me, if I didn't allow him too. I was stronger. 

The air was heavy, the lights were dark, the smell was disgusting. Snake skin all over, yet the floors still shinned, and the diamonds hanging from the ceilings sparkled. 

Mattheo lead us into the meeting room, where his father sat head, at the end of a very long table. 

"Ah, my boy!" His voice echoed, "and his dashing wife! Sit, sit. No need to be shy." his sarcasm was painfully obvious, as he pointed to the chairs at the other head of the table. 

Mattheo pulled out my chair for me, than took seat next to me, gripping my thigh under the table. 

"Some show you two have put on." he sat back in his chair, locking his eyes onto mine, "Especially you, my dear. I must say, I did not know you had that in you. I should've figured, but I was indeed shocked." 

I stayed silent, holding my head up high. 

"Had I known the evil that pulses your veins, I would've utilized you, more. Pitty." he shook his head. 

"It takes the right kind of anger, to bring that out in someone. Don't you think?" I tilted my head at him, as I felt Mattheo's grip tighten. 

"Whatever do you mean, My dear?" he leaned forward. 

"You know exactly what you took from us. I would even go as far to say, we took it lightly. Wouldn't you, Mattheo?" I looked over at him. 

He looked like he was about to explode, the anger in his eyes, was bone chilling. 

"Please, speak up my boy!" His father yelled. 

"YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM HER!" Mattheo's voice cracked, as he stood up, slamming his hands down on the table, "everything." 

"A girl, its pathetic. Useless. We need an Heir. Give me one then I don't care how many girls you have."  His father spat back, taking to his feet. 

"I think you just proved, with your praises, that girls are more useful than you think." I smirked. 

"I think, you have a mouth on you. My son should know better than to let you speak freely." his fathers eyes narrowed on me. 

"Fuck. You." I leaned forward, letting out a small laugh, "You look my daughter. We took your men. Be grateful it wasn't worse." 

He swiftly made his way over to me, as his robes brushed the ground behind him, leaning down eye level with me. 

"Is that a threat I smell?" 

"Take another step, and you will regret it, Father." Mattheo quickly ran to my side. 

I wasn't afraid. 

He waved his hand over me, using the same spell I used on Astoria Greengrass. I felt my skin, being torn, the warmth of my blood, filling the ground around me. My breathing, become uneasy. 

I didn't flinch. I just looked up into his evil eyes. 

Then... he stopped it, and I was healed. 

I hadn't realized, it was because Mattheo threw himself at his father, he always preferred his fist to his wand. 

His father, pushed him across the room with one swift arm motion, and made his way over to me again. 

"You are now at my disposable... you will now have orders... or you shall both pay the consequences." He looked down at me, "Merlin knows, you have it in you."

"Why on earth do you think I would ever allow her to listen to you?" Mattheo spat, as he dug his wand into his fathers neck, "I should end you right here, for even looking her way." 

"If she doesn't, she will die." He hissed, pushing Mattheo to the floor, "Don't be stupid, boy." he muttered, before throwing a nasty cutting hex his way, leaving a fresh wound across his face. "She belongs to me now." 

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