Ch.6~ Offended.

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The rest of the night dragged on. Countless "Congratulations!" And "To the new Mr. and Mrs!" Can't forget the, "Truly a gorgeous couple!" comments I heard being passed around.

I felt like an item, being passed around, greeting people, smile, nod, pretend I understand in the slightest bit what their talking about. Be arm candy. Look pretty. It was nauseating.

Finally, the night drew to a close. I didn't say a word to Lorenzo as he left. My mother came up to me, placed a kiss on my cheek and whispered, "Good girl." As she then hugged Mattheo with a smile bigger than any she's ever given me, and told him she was proud to call him "Son."

I stood, looking around the now empty ball room. It was dark, black walls that lead to the highest ceilings I've ever seen in my life. Diamond chandeliers hung from the ceilings, carvings into the walls. It was painfully beautiful.

"Come. I'll show you to your room." Mattheos voice snapped me out of my trance.

A sense of relief over me. I had my own room. I was nervous, assuming I would have to share one with him. I think my expression showed my feelings because he turned to me and rolled his eyes, "Yes. You have your own room. It was a requirement from your brother. No bed sharing until your willing."

I followed behind him, observing his movements. He's changed since school. I've only seen him briefly at meetings, but from so far away. He grew taller, his shoulders wilder. He was fit, like he worked out. Tone. He still had the same brown curls, but he looked, aged. All the boys did. The war, it took a toll on all of them, even if they never admitted it.

He lead me into a wing of the manor, pushing open two decorative doors, "This is you." He put his arms out, like he was showing it off.

There was a large window, the first thing that caught my eye, directly across from the door. On the right wall, was a large bed, with a tall, sculpted black head board, silk sheets and lots of pillows. On the left wall was a wardrobe, with a floor to ceiling mirror laid beside it. A desk and an empty book shelf. To the left of the wardrobe was a door, leading to a marble bathroom with a clawfoot tub, and a shower. The walls, were shockingly white.

It was a gorgeous room, I couldn't lie. Extravagant and extra. Flashy, even.

"Enzo reminded me of how much you like to read, hence the book self." He felt the need to explain to me.

"Yes, thank you. Its a beautiful room." I nodded quietly.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll send the elves for you. I'll give you a tour, explain your roles, expectations." His tone was cold, unwelcoming. He stood near the door with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, I have roles?" I let out a mocking laugh, "Of course."

"Enzo also reminded me of your attitude and sly remarks, so I won't take too much offense to that. Although, that was the one thing that was hard to forget about you." Once again, nothing behind his words.

"And here, I wanted you to be offended. I'll have to work on that." I clicked my tongue, observing the room. It really was beautiful.

"You're going to make this painful, I see." He nodded his head, looking down at his shoes.

"Only as painful as it is for me." I turned to look back at him again.

His eyes, were deeply brown, I used to find them beautiful, back in school. He had these eyes that just drew you in, made you want to look into them. Now, they just looked dead. Like no one lived behind them.

"Well, if that's all, i'll be going now." He turned to exit the room.

"Wait!" He jumped a bit, as he turned to face me again, "I'll need help... with my zipper." I bit my lips, as I pointed behind me, "Big dress." I let out a small laugh.

He slowly walked back over to me, as I turned to give him my back, I caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. His cold expression dropped as his eyes looked me up and down. He took his hand, sliding my hair off of my back and over my shoulder. His hands were still ice cold, I watched his eyes explore as he found my zipper, gently pulling it down, stopping just above my underwear.

"Thank you." I whispered, as I watched his eyes still stuck on my back.

He turned abruptly, leaving my room, practically slamming the door behind him. 

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