Ch.8~ Lonely.

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I barely seen Mattheo, ever. We didn't have meals together. He was often out of the Manor anyway. He would come home at all times of the night, I would only know because I heard his yelling for his elf, Rorry.

I took the next days exploring. The library was breathtaking. Huge, almost the size of a schools. It amazed me. I explored the gardens and the stables, which were equally as beautiful. A bunch of differently plants I've never seen before, but Teesy instructed me not to touch she "didn't know which ones could kill me" and animals of every size, winged and gorgeous.

This place was enormous. It had everything you would wish for in a home. Checked every box. It would be a beautiful place to share with someone you loved, raise a family in.

I wasn't that lucky though. That wasn't my story.

By the fourth day I was bored out of my mind. I explored more times that I could count. Opened every unlocked door that just lead to empty rooms. Spent my days followed by death eater's who were "there for my protection." So I kept to my room most days. Its the only place I was truly alone.

I memorized the hall ways, the stair cases and everything in between. There was no way I could get lost now.

I requested Teesy begin bringing the Daily Prophet with my breakfast so I could feel some what connected to the world.

I asked her to stop after the third day. I didn't want to keep reading about the murders, or ambushes lead by none other than my husband.

I wondered how much blood he truly had on his hands. How many lives he was responsibly for. How much that was effecting him. Eating at him. It made me sick to my stomach.

"Teesy. Tell Mattheo I would like to speak to him." I asked her, the next time she showed up in my room.

"I can't. Master is not home." She replied.

"Okay, so when he gets home, please." I raised an eyebrows.

"I do not knows when that will be." She nodded.

"Very good. The next time you see him, just tell him, Okay?"

She nodded.

They were very, literal, creatures. It amazed me.

Days passed again. I felt like I was going crazy, and Mattheo had still not come to talk to me. I wondered if he just didn't want to, or if he didn't even know I requested to talk to him.

Sounds ridiculous. Requested to speak to my husband. I felt a different type of sadness, knowing this would be the rest of my life. To share a home with someone, you barely know, but you do know they do awful things.

It broke my heart, that this was my fate. A damned life. No love. No children. Just me, and at this point, Teesy.

I was jolted awake in the middle of the night the following evening.

"Rorry!" His voice echoed the Manor. Angry and still.

I threw on my robe and ran down the stairs.

He stood in the middle of the foyer, blood dripping from his head.

My heart stopped for a moment. Is this what he looked like every time he returned home?

I rushed over to him, placing my sleeve on his head, to stop the blood.

"What are you doing out of bed?" He questioned, removing my hand from his head.

"I heard you yell." I replied, drawing back.

"Yelling is normal here. Adjust." He scoffed, grabbing a rag and a vile of something from his elf. "Can I help you with anything?" He rudely turned to me.

"I just wanted to check if you were alright." I mumbled.

"Fine. Stay in your wing at night, safest there." He nodded at me, flipping the rag to the clean side.

"Where do you go? At night?" I asked.

He turned his head to me, with a confused expression.

"Or in the day, in general, I guess. You're never here." I whispered.

"I didn't think you were concerned with my whereabouts." He let out a dry laugh.

"I'm not. I just... it's lonely." I huffed.

"Aren't we all lonely." He brushed me off. "I'm busy, okay? I don't have time to chit chat about your day, or walk the gardens with you."

"I didn't ask you too." I stepped back, shocked from his answer.

I didn't want those things, I think my curiosity just got the better of me in this moment.

"Good, because it won't happen ever." His tone was cold as his replies. "Now, go to your wing."

"Glady." I turned quickly, wanting to get out of his sight instantly. My blood was boiling, I felt stupid for even coming down here thinking I could get a decent conversation out of him.

"This upcoming Saturday, theres a Dinner Party." He blurted out, just before I left the foyer. 

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