Ch 34.~ Trapped.

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I didn't flinch, my face didn't change. Not a single thing in me shifted. Even with his wand draw, aimed straight at me, not an ounce of me was scared. I didn't think I had to be. I never in my life thought I would ever associate the feeling of fear with Mattheo. I trusted him. Wholeheartedly. 

He didn't say a word, just waved his wand, as wordless magic escaped the tip of his wand, a weird white cast over taking the room. I tilted my head in confusion. It was a spell I had never seen before. 

"I had to do it. I hope you forgive me, one day." He whispered, dropping his arm. 

"Mattheo... what did you do?" I looked at him confused. 

"You're bound to this room. You cannot leave." his voice was shaky. 

My jaw dropped, my heart skipped a beat. 

"What do you mean I cannot leave?" I shot up from the beg, rushing to the door. The handles burnt at the touch. 

"Stop. Your only going to hurt yourself." He muttered. 

I rushed to the window, trying to open it, my hands were blistering. 

"What the fuck did you do?!" I shouted. 

"I will not have you being a play toy for my father, doing his dirty work. I will not have you risking your life daily! I did what I had to do!" He sounded like he was trying to convince himself, "By bounding you here, you cannot serve him. You cannot risk your life, just to be in mine. I know you'll be safe here."

"You know he will come looking for me." My voice was breaking, realizing what he had just done. 

"And I will deal with him. Me. Not you." power found its way into his words. 

"You... trapped me... in this room! This little room in this whole manor!"

"I had too!"

"What means do you have to detain me!" I screamed, as my voice broke. 

"You are MY WIFE!" he screamed back, for the first time ever. 

I took a step back, shock filling my body. He yelled, back at me. He confined me, to this tiny room. No way of getting out. For the first time, I looked at him differently. I could tell, he hadn't put thought into this. He acted so quick. So... stupidly. 

The silence was deafening. Almost painful, and I stood still as a statue, staring at the man standing across from me, who looked mortified. 

"Rose... I didn't mean to shout." he broke the silence. 

"Get. out." I spat. 

"Rose, please just-"

"GET OUT! Since I cannot, please, just go!" the words exploded from my mouth. 

He slowly turned and walked out of the door, leaving me to my own prison. 

I melted to my knee's, staring at the four walls around me which appeared to be shrinking. How long would he do this to me? How long was I bound to this room? Can I find a loophole in his spell? 

He locked me away, from the world. Was it out of love, or out of fear? 

He didn't return until the following morning. He crept his way into the room, as I sat on the bay window, not even turning to meet his eye. 

"Rose... please just let me talk." he sat next to me. 

"I would walk away from you right now, but i'm afraid I could only go as far as the bathroom, and I would still hear you in there." Attitude consumed my words. 

"Still sarcastic, a good thing." he let out a dry laugh. 

"You are a moron, Mattheo Riddle." I said, bringing my eyes to his. 

"I need you safe. I need you alive. This is the only way I knew I could keep you here. I am sorry, but I will not have you loose your life and leave me here, alone." I seen the emotion coming through his eyes. 

"He's only going to take it out on you." I whispered. 

"Your worth whatever punishment he'll throw at me, Rosalia." he reached his hand out to mine. 

"I was doing fine, I could've handled it. We could've handled it, together." I brought my gaze back to the window. 

"I was growing tired of mending your wounds, and having you telling me your fine. You weren't. You would never be if you continued. I can handle him." 

"You underestimate me, Mattheo." I rolled my eyes. 

"I don't, and thats the problem." he shook his head, "I am on my way to his manor now, set this all straight." he stood up. 

"Please... come home." I turned to face him. 

"I will always, come home to you." he leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead, resting his head on mine for a moment, "Always." 

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