Dear Mattheo...

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Dear Mattheo,

I know you're going to be furious reading this, because that means everything went according to plan. 

I tried, and tried and tried, to figure out a way to save us both, I really did... perhaps if I had a bit more time, but when it came down to you or me... I couldn't let it be me. 

I'm so sorry I had kept this from you, but you know better than I, that I couldn't tell you I was going to do this. I had to do this. 

Your dreams, were always bigger than mine. In my death, I want nothing more than you for to experience a world of freedom, of happiness, a world free of your father. I want you to finally see the world for what is is, without the evil. I want you to restore the happiness of our world, I know its in you, and I need you to see that. 

I need you to know leaving you behind, was the easiest and hardest decision I ever had to make. It was easy, because I know I never wanted to know a world without you. Without your touch, your smile, your laugh. The hardest because I know how this will effect you, and I don't want you to spiral, or get all angry at the world. There is no one to blame but me, and I know you won't do that. 

I need you to be there for Enzo, you'll need him. Draco and Theo, too. You all are going to accomplish such amazing things, I cannot wait one day, to hear of all the things you got experience. That you deserve to experience. 

I want you to know that, because of you I felt loved. Real, unconditional, raw, crazy love. A love I thought I would only read on worn pages of a book, or dream of. You made me so happy, in our time. You drove me absolutely crazy, in all the best ways. You made me excited to wake in the mornings, and sad to close my eyes at night. 

Your touch, your laughter, your stories. The way you held and kissed me. They all made me feel completely loved. 

I hope I made you feel loved, as well, because clearly I loved you more than anything. I would chose this choice, every single time. 

You, Mattheo Riddle, were the best thing that has ever happen to me. From charming my quill in school, to saying I do, and everything until my last breath, you are the best thing. 

I'll wait for you, and meet you in every life time. 

Live for me, please.


I love you.

Your wife,

Rosalia Riddle. xxxx 

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