Ch.37~ 12 Grimmauld Place.

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I knew it, the second we landed on the stairs, in muggle London. The Black House. 

I've heard stories, mostly from my aunt, my mum never spoke of this place or truthfully anything of her family. My mothers cousin Sirius grew up here, with his brother Regulus. Two people, our family does not talk about. 

I had the pleasure of meeting Sirius, in my third year. On accident, he was being held in the prisons at school, and I was a wanderer. He knew exactly who I was from my hair, and my eyes. My eyes were always a dead giveaway.  He was happy to see me and have a quick chat, he was happy to  see that not all horrible things bloomed from the last name Black. I was sad to hear of his passing later on. 

"Come... quickly." Mattheo whispered, dragging me up the stairs. 

"Mattheo... this belongs to the order!" I whisper-yelled. 

"Rose, the order is gone. Get inside, now." He pulled me once again. 

It was dusty, and unkept. Yet, a part of me felt at home. It did once belong to our family. It was dark, and cold. He pulled me down a long hallway. 

I could tell the war did a number to this house. Cots set up in random places, blood stained the walls and floors. A safe house. It felt... wrong to be here. You could feel the hope that once filled this house, it was long gone. 

We were proof. 

"if he doesn't come back with her.." I heard mumblings as we made our way deeper into the house. I felt my guard go up, although Mattheo didn't seem bothered.

"You'll what, Berkshire?" Mattheo let out a dry laugh. 

"Enzo!" I nearly broke down in the hallway to a kitchen.

He ran over, throwing himself around me, holding me tight. 

"Fuck... I thought I had to kill you, Riddle." Enzo let out a sigh of relief. 

I held him so tight, I hadn't remembered the last time I'd seen him, or what his brotherly hugs felt like anymore. 

I peered over his shoulder, to Theo and Draco sat at a long table, having a cup of tea. 

I hadn't seen Draco since I took his wife's life. 

When Enzo finally let me go, Draco stood to his feet. 

"Dray... I am so sor-"

"Nonsense. Family first, Rose." he grinned walking over to be pulling me into a hug,  "Did me a favor really. She was a pain." he shook his head. 

"Good to see you, Rosa." Theo tipped his tea cup to me, winking. 

"Pleasure, Nott." I nodded. 

After letting the shock simmer down, and taking in my new surroundings I had remembered what horrible shape Mattheo had been in, before we apperated. The appertation couldn't have done his injuries any good. I quickly jumped, turning my entire body to him. 

"Mattheo! Fuck, okay sit." I ordered, searching for my wand. I watched as he limped over to the chair, "Unbutton your shirt." I ordered once more, looking for towels in the kitchen. 

"Woah, were here Rose." Enzo put his hands up. 

"Hes hurt you twit!" I yelled, "Get your head out of it." 

I heard laughs from the boys. 

I was right. He had several broken ribs, plus the gash on his face, along with some internal bruising. I mended him, the best I possibly could. He taught me well, not to long ago he was the one healing me. 

The whole time, his eyes locked on mine. He looked at me how every girl wanted to be looked at. Like I put the stars in the sky. I seen a soft smile appearing on his face, as he watched me work, holding my waist tightly and giving it tiny squeezes when it hurt. 

"Thats what love looks like, huh." Draco raised his eyebrows, sipping his tea. 

"One day, Malfoy." Theo laughed. 

I had never confessed to Mattheo that I loved him. He hadn't either. I think our actions proved it though. There just was never a moment to say it, a sweet one at least. Time was always stolen from us. 

"Thank you, love." he smirked up at me, adjusting himself in his seat. "Go explore. I need to catch the boys up. You're safe here. I'll fill you in a bit." he nodded up at me, while motioning to Theo that he wanted a cup. 

I nodded and excused my self from the room. 

The first place I looked for, was a bathroom, luckily there was one right off the second landing. I scrubbed the dirt and dried blood from my face. As well as the ash that stained me from the fire. When I opened the door, I head into the one straight across from me. It seemed to be a drawing room.

I was taken back, a wall sized, moving Black family tree. It was enormous. All these people, I drew back too. It went so far back as well. I seen a burn mark, with the name Sirius under it. I found my aunt, and a lovely picture of Draco, then I made my way to my mother, who's branch led to Enzo and I. It was odd, to see a photo like that of my mother. A normal one. A branch, off of mine lead to Mattheo, and it had seemed like one began to grow in-between the both of us, but shriveled up. 

"I knew I'd find you here." Enzo laughed, peaking in through the door. 

"This is... something." I couldn't take my eyes off of it. "Mum looks..."

"Normal. I know." he rolled his eyes. 

"Have you spoken to her? She hasn't reached out to me once since I got married. I'm not even sure if she knows what I had been through." I brought my eyes to him. 

"Well, word got around of your pregnancy. She was delighted... I found out later, she knew of the order, from Mattheo's dad... She said you should've made a boy. It turned into a big fight. Then once she heard of your attack, and what you- we did to the Greengrasses, she disowned me, and told me to pass you the message. Said we were traitors." he let out a long sigh. 

"I can't say i'm surprised." I let out a dry laugh. 

"You have me, Rose. Thats all that matters." he put his arm around me. 

"Its all that ever mattered, Enzo." I leaned into him. "Why are we here?"

"I think its best if Mattheo explains. He knows more." he grabbed my hand, leading me back down stairs. 

The boys were in the same place I had left them, Mattheo brought his eyes up to mine and let out a soft smile. 

"Sit, Rose. This is going to be a lot to take in." he pulled out the chair next to him. 

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