Ch.7~ Mrs.Riddle.

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I couldn't sleep, even if I wanted too. I stared at the ceiling above my bed the entire night, as I watched the sun slowly creep into the room.

I couldn't help but wonder why he left so suddenly. Its not as if I wanted to do a single thing with him. I certainly didn't want him to think I did, I simply needed help getting out of my dress.

The old Mattheo, was always around girls. Jumping from them practically. He couldn't get enough. I suppose he was different now. I wasn't sure I'd ever want to share a bed with him, or a room. Fuck, I didn't even want to be sharing a manor or a last name with him, but here we are.

I just hoped I didn't give him the wrong idea of me, or us, or what this marriage is. I looked at it, like a family order, and that was that. I desperately prayed he felt the same.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when a large popping nose broke the silence of my room. I shot up, staring at the tiny house elf with the largest eyes I have ever seen.

"Teesy did not means to scare. The mrs. is being called." The tiny thing spoke.

"Teesy, thats your name?" I looked down at her, she was rather small.

"Yes. You are needed."

"Yes, I heard you Teesy. And please, call me Rosalia." I said, gathering my self to leave my bed.

"Teesy can nots. I was told to call you Mrs.Riddle." her voice was squeaky.

"Well, I am asking you not too. Shouldn't that mean something as lady of the house?" I stood in front of her, she didn't even pass my kneecap.

"Teesy guess so." She shrugged. "I wait and shows you how to get to the dinning room."

"You do that, Teesy." I nodded, wide eyes as I excused my self to the bathroom.

I quickly threw myself together. Noticing my mother has only packed me house dresses, ones I've never seen before. As if I just married the king of England. All dark colored. I grabbed a plain black one, let my hair down and walked back into the room.

"I am ready Teesy." I smiled.

She stomped her way over to the door, jumping to open the knob, leading me down.

The Riddle manor was huge. Seeing it in the day time, only made it that much more confusing. Long hallways and portraits that followed my motions with their eyes. Everything in here was so dark. Breathing the air of this place just sent shivers down your spine.

Finally, after walking for what seemed like ages, Teesy lead me into a room, with a twenty foot long, dark wooded table, with a breakfast spread like none I have ever seen.

Mattheo sat at the head, his dead eyes met me the second I walked in.

There was two death eaters, directly outside the door, and I seen one pass every two minutes from outside the window.

"Sit." He ordered, pointing at the chair next to him.

"Morning to you too." I mumbled under my breath, walking over and taking my seat.

"Sleep alright?" He asked, eyes skimming the Daily Prophet.

"Yeah, great." I lied.

"See, front page. I told you." He said, slamming the paper down in front of my plate.

I looked down to see Mattheo dipping me, smiling down at me then placing a kiss. I know I lived it, but to watch it happen, over and over on a loop, felt like I was watching strangers.

The head line read, "Mr. and Mrs. Riddle!" Under it, "Only son of the dark lord, Mattheo Riddle married Rosalia Berkshire, last evening, in a beautiful ceremony hosted at his Manor. The love was felt by all in attendance. The Dark Lord was very pleased to welcome Rosalia into his family, Honored to call her the new Mrs.Riddle."

The picture just kept going and going, until I finally pushed it away from me.

"This will become normal to you. Headlines and parties." He crossed his arms looking over at me. "You're expected to attend the galas and dinner parties with me. As well as some meetings, show a united front. Once the others get married, you'll host tea and bullshit like that. United front. You'll have to smile and appear to be in love with me, thats an order from my Father."

"Death eaters have dinner parties?" I almost scoffed.

"No, we attended dinner parties. Prime ministers, pure-blood families, the upper class families mostly, the holiday parties." He replied with a roll to his eyes.

"Fancier than I thought." I scoffed, cutting into a scone.

"You'll need a new wardrobe. I'll have Teesy measure you. Teesy is yours, anything you need. We have others, but she's just for you." He said pointing at a few other elves around the room.

I waved at them. I liked the elves. Everyone was always so mean to them, they were just trying their best. He gave me an odd look for doing so and stood.

"Come." He coughed, as he lead me into the foyer.

"To your right is the sitting room, drawing room and the wing you came from. To the left is the library, ball room and gardens. The stair case at the end of this hall leads to my wing, do your best to avoid it, its not for you." He shot me a look. "You keep to your side, and I shall keep to mine. I'll give you a days notice for events and meetings."

I nodded, looking around this maze of a "home."

"Just how I'd like it." I sarcastically replied. "His wing and her wing."

"Yes. Like I said, keep to yours, I'll keep to mine. When my father comes we will act like the arrangement worked and we are a happy couple, other than that I will not bother you." It amazed me how his expression never changed, just straight and to the point.

"Sounds fine to me." I hissed.

"Wonderful." He scoffed, turning on his heel and heading down the hall.

Perhaps this kind of lonely, would be worse than at home.

Then again, this was my home now. 

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