Ch.23~ Rosa.

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It amazed me, how she continued on in casual conversation not knowing she just ruined my marriage. Or anything it had the potential of being.

Once again, happiness was being torn from my bare hands. It was so out of reach.


I think I'll forever be broken. Destine to stay broken. Happiness will always be a "what if" or a "maybe" for me.

Fate, if you would.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to use the restroom." I nodded, putting my hand up and quickly walking away.

The room was spinning. Everything was blurry. I usually welcomed this feeling, I should've known it was coming. But this time, I was blindsided.

My gaurds released themselves, they should've stayed.

How foolish am I?

"Woah! Slow down there!" A voice chuckled.

I looked up, it was Theo.

"Theo." I tried to pull my self together, "my apologies."

"Are you alright there, Rosa?" He grabbed my shoulder.

A name, I hadn't been called in years. A name, only he called me.

"Yeah, uh- just need the restroom?" I quickly shook my head.

"Use the one upstairs, it's more private." He said pointing up the stairs, "congratulations, by the way." He nodded.

I looked back, as I made my way to the stairs, "you too, nott."

Once I reached the restroom, which was so hard to find in this manor, I locked the door behind me and allowed my back to slide down it, meeting the floor.

Silent gasps for air. Tears slipping of my cheeks.

I hated my self for being so gullible. Look at me, a few sob stories about school and I believed he cared. He genuinely cared.

A runner up, was all I was.

A sure thing, someone he knew he could have.

Spit my bother a sob story about how he's in love with me, and my brother of course fell for it, knowing how deeply I wanted to be loved.

A pawn.

I stayed on the floor, for longer than I'd like to admit. Grasping at my stomach, apologizing to it, to her, that I was the way I was. That I am always, and will always be sad. That this is what she is being brought into. She didn't deserve this.

We both, didn't.

The pounding at the door, brought me out of my trance.

"Rosalia!" Mattheo shouted.

"Open the door, please! You've been up here for ages, I'm worried!"

The pounding continued.

I somehow managed to get to my feet, ripping the door open.

"You're crying! What happen?!" He shouted, closing the door behind him, grabbing my arms and examining my body.

"Get off of me!" I shouted, pushing his hands off of me.

"What the fuck?! What happened? You're a mess!" He stood back, and gave me a very confused look.

"Was anything you've ever told me, true?!" I shouted.

A blank stare, was all I got in return.

"Tell me! Those stories about school? They were all bullshit, right?" My eyes, still glassy, my lip trembling.

"Of course they weren't, Rose." He tried to inch closer.

"You're a fucking liar!" I shouted. "You wanted daphne, I was just a back up. A settlement." I shook my head.

"Who the fuck told you that?!" I seen the anger growing in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter. You picked your girl, and she said no. So you picked me." I nodded, "right?"

"Rosalia, no"

"I am not a second choice, Mattheo. I never was, and I refuse to be one now." I backed up.

"You weren't never my second choice, I meant every single word I have ever spoke to you... did Astoria tell you this?" He whispered, running his hands through his hair, pacing.

"What does it matter? I had the right to know. I'm happy I know now! To think, I was actually letting you back in!" I almost giggled, at my stupidity.

"If it was her, you should know it was her parents, who approached my father with the proposal, and he laughed in their faces... Rose, I meant every single word, everything was true, there's nothing I want more than to be with you, and raise our baby, happily. I mean it." He tried again to inch closer.

"No..." I backed up. "No. I can't. I can't fall for it again."

"You're not falling for anything, Rose. I'm telling you, I want you. I need you. I need her. I need us." He still inched closer.

"Please... just go." I whispered, grabbing my face. "Please. I can't do this right now."

"Fine. But I will be here. Always." He whispered, as he left me in the bathroom, where I met the floor again.

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