Ch.4~ Until Death.

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The doors opened, and my chest once again felt like it met my back. As if, I wasn't breathing at all.

The room was packed to the seems, people who I have never ever seen in my life.

My mother stood at the front, teary eyed and prideful. The Dark Lord next to her, a sly smile across his face, head held high.

And Mattheo stood, eyes locked on me, at the alter. In all black. He looked polished and clean, almost flawless.

I don't think I've ever looked at him for this long. Walking down that isle, felt like it look ages. Like with every step I look, it just got further and further away.

I squeezed Enzo's hand the entire time. Almost hoping he'd get I was begging him to turn me around and get me the fuck out of here. Of course, he didn't.

We reached the front, and once more turned me to him, placing a quick kiss on my head, handing my arm out to Mattheo.

His hands were ice. A smirk spread across his face, his eyes darting into mine. It was like I was staring at a stranger, because I was. I felt absolutely nothing, grabbing his hand and standing in front of him.

The rest was a blur. I lied my way through vows, I know he did too. But one thing that didn't let up, was his eye contact with me. He would not drop his gaze, even for a second. Its like he was trying to read my mind. Size me up in away.

I wasn't intimidated by him. The way everyone else, he didn't scare me. He didn't put not once ounce of fear in my heart, I hoped my eyes showed that.

The blur of meaningless exchanges was broken, when he lifted my veil. I felt his icy hands slip up my face, placing it at the base of my neck pulling me in for the kiss.

His lips were softer than I imagined they'd be. They were warm. They were hungry, I felt it. For a moment, I forgot I was standing in front of hundreds of people, kissing my freedom away. For a moment, in my head, I was just a girl, marrying a boy.

Reality hit me quickly as the clapping and cheering took over the room. Mattheo took my hand in his, throwing it above our heads, in celebration. A smile from ear to ear, across his face, and he bent over and whispered in my ear, "Until death do us part, Mrs.Riddle."

For some reason, his words felt like tiny knifes through my body. Like it through me into shock. As if he was taunting me. Like the reality of what I had just done, smacked me in the face.

I quickly looked to Enzo, praying his face would held me hold back the tears I was fighting, but my eyes found my mother first, who was mouth "Smile." With a threatening look in her eyes, as Mattheo's father stood clapping, looking very accomplished, in what he had just done.

He lead me down the isle, as I looked into the faces of everyone there.

They weren't there, for the wedding. Fear is what controlled the people in the crowds. They knew they had to be here, they feared what would happen if they weren't.

Thats what my life was going to be now. Fear. Of doing, and not doing what was ordered.

We poured into the ballroom, where it seemed like it never ended. Tables, chairs, glasses of champagne being floated around.

Clinks and cheers, filled the room. Laughter and joy from everyone around.

I stood like a statue, shaking hands with some of the nastiest men I've ever met in my life. I got a glimpse into my future. The arm candy. Smile, nod. Obey.

The Dark Lord, was a show off, to say the least. The food, never ended, as well as the alcohol. The people, there were so many fucking people.

As Mattheo stood smiling next to me, the entire night, his cold palm resting on the small of my back, every so often moving his fingers, as if he was trying to say something.

I was anything but. I wanted my brother, who seemed so far, he couldn't make his way over. A line of people, with praises and best wishes, kept us apart.

"I need a moment." I whispered to Mattheo.

I was almost scared, to say it. But I couldn't stand in that room any longer.

He looked down at me, and nodded.

"Excuse us, it seems my wife needs some air." He smiled, nodding at the prime minister and his wife, excusing us from the room.

The word "wife" sent shivers down my spine. 

Once we got into the hallway I threw my hands above my head, practically gasping for air.

I could tell he didn't know what to do, or say. He just stood their, staring at me. An emotionless, stare. 

"Alone, please. I just need air." I turned my back to him.

"Garden is that door to your right, collect your self by the time I'm back." His tone was stern, no emotion, just, cold.

I stepped out of the door, letting the cold autumn air hit my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.

Everything hitting me at once. I wanted to run, deep into the hedges. Maybe I'd get lost. Eaten by some mad magical creature. I wasn't that lucky. I knew I wasn't.

Instead I stared out, to the beautiful garden, doing everything I could to hold it together.

"Just who I was looking for." I heard a voice say from behind me. 

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