Ch.47~ Wish.

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I selfishly laid next to him all night, knowing what I knew. My grip on him never loosened. I don't even think he got much sleep from my annoyance. I know I didn't. I watched as the sun slowly crept it's way into the bedroom window, and the orange tint of the sunrise danced on his face. 

That face, ugh. It was cruelly beautiful. I also described him as beautiful as a rose, lovely to look at, painful to touch. But know, knowing him. All of him. He was so much more than a rose. I knew it, even when he didn't. Thats how I knew I was doing the right thing. 

His sleepy eyes finally looked up at me, as a soft smile stretched across his face. 

"Did you sleep at all?" he said in his corse morning voice, pulling me closer. 

"Yes." I lied. 

"Have I ever told you, how beautiful you are?" he said, sweeping my hair out of my face. 

I just smiled at him. 

"Truly, breath taking." he shook his head, pulling me into a messy, morning kiss. 

As he kissed me, I couldn't help but reminisce. It was too hard not too, as I soaked in the feeling of his lips on mine. 

It was my fifth year, the calm before the storm. I was only freshly sixteen. Enzo had thrown me a party in the common room, as distant as we were in school, he never forgot my birthday. Him and all his friends invited the whole school, tried to make it a whole ordeal. It didn't hide the fact that I was alone, in every way. 

The party had gotten way to loud for me, so I found my way up to the astronomy tower. A place I went to often, it was gorgeous from up there. To see all the grounds, the magical creatures flying in the night sky, the stars. It was peaceful. 

I sat on the edge and let my feet dangle over as I rested my head on the bars, just taking in the night. 

"My bad, I didn't know any one was up here." his voice interrupted my train of thought. 

"Oh, its fine." I turned to find Mattheo, lighting up the end of a joint. 

He sat next to me. 

"Shouldn't you be at your party?" he let out a dry laugh. 

"A bit loud down there. I prefer it up here." I nodded back, given that all our conversations usually needed right about here. 

"That makes two of us." he let out a small cough, passing me the joint, "C'mon birthday girl, I won't tell." he winked. 

I took it, taking the tiniest of pulls, while my baby lungs gave out and he laughed at me. We stayed up there for a while, and found ourselves laying on the floor, starring up at the sky. 

Our conversation flowed, with the help of the herbs and somehow found ourselves talking about the future. 

"I just hope one day to be happy you know?" I looked over at him, "Like actually happy. Live a beautiful life, with some kids and a husband. Be nothing like my mother." 

His dark, dead eyes met mine, and for a moment, sparkled. 

"I hope, you get everything you wish for in this life, Rosalia Berkshire." he had no expression. 

"And what do you wish for, Mattheo Riddle?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"It doesn't matter. Im a lost cause." he shrugged. 

"Tell me, I won't remember." I lied. 

"Fine," he huffed, "I wish to be... loved. By a girl, who will never give me a chance." 

"Then she's daft." I smiled. 

"Oh I wouldn't say daft." he laughed, "Just too good for me." 

When I finally came back to reality, of him pulling his lips off of mine, I realized I was the daft girl all those years ago. I wondered if he knew I still remembered. I wondered what would've happen if he wouldn't told me then. 

The plan was set. He was to go to his fathers manor, and finish the job. 

I silently cried, watching him leave our bed. But, not for the reasons he would think. I found my way to my brothers room. 

He was sat at the edge of his bed. 

"Come to yell at me again?" he rolled his eyes. 

"No." I sat next to him, "I'm here to thank you. For making childhood bearable, and for being the best brother I could've ever had." a tiny drop escaped my eye. 

"Don't do this Rose." his tone, was scared. 

"I'm not. I just love you, and want you to know that." I grabbed him into my arm's. 

"I love you, sissy." I heard his voice crack, "You'll be fine. I promise."

"So will you, Brother." I quickly said before exiting. 

I found Draco and Theo at the dinning table. They looked, uneasy. There eyes met mine, like they begged for an answer that wasn't this. I wish I had one, that would make everyone happy. 

"Come here." I whispered, as Draco stumbled to me, "I love you Dray, always have, your so strong. So much better than your father." 

He rested his head in my neck, "I know." was the only words he got out, before he walked into the next room, leaving Theo sitting by himself, head in his hands. 

"Hi, Nott." I whispered, sitting on the table next to him. 

"Rosa." he half smiled looking up at me for a moment, before resting his head in my lap. 

I put my fingers through his hair, "Thank you, for being my only friend. I never told you, but I do adore you." 

He groaned, he hated sappy shit. But, I needed all of them to hear these things, before today was over. 

"I adore you too, Rosa." he mumbled. 

Mattheo, cleared his throat in the door way. He was dressed in all black, they all were. In their Death eater cloaks. Looking like Grim reapers. I felt my stomach sink. The feeling, no girl ever wants to feel. 

I felt like I was looking at the rest of my life, when I looked at him. Like he took the human embodiment of happiness for me. Like all of that, was being torn from my bare hands. A feeling I would never come to peace with. 

He walked over to me, pulling me into his arms, I felt my chest go hallow. He squeezed me, really squeezed me. I felt his heart, rapidly beating, and his chest starting to skip. 

"I love you. Please, please never forget that." he whispered down into my ear. 

"I love you." I quickly answered. 

"Thank you, for loving me. For giving me a reason, to stop him. For being my light." I heard his voice crack. 

"I'll love you, forever Mattheo Riddle." I somehow managed to slip out through my tears, "Forever." 

He looked down at me, with his beautiful brown eyes glassed over, and left a kiss on my forehead, before pulling himself together enough to leave a soft kiss on my lips. 

"Forever, Rosalia." he nodded, bitting his lips, before turning to leave through the foyer. The rest of the boys couldn't even face me. I wish they did. One last time. 

I heard the loud cracks of their apperation. For a moment, time stopped. The world stopped right on its axis. I was alone, and had just sent him off, for what he thought, was the last thing he would ever do in this world. I just kissed my life, goodbye. 

Either way I looked at it, it was goodbye. My way, or his way. That would be the last time I held him. He made my life, bearable. He made me feel loved, until the end. He showed me, in darkness, magical, beautiful things, could blossom. We did. I would love him, until my last breath. 

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