Ch.36~ Cruelly beautiful.

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The marble floor was cold beneath my face, almost freezing. My chest ached, in a way I have never felt before. It hurt to breath. They felt dirty. My whole body felt destroyed, as if I'd be ripped from something, my guess is that it was the bond breaking from the room. 

For the first time in my life, I had been scared to open my eyes. I wasn't the slightest bit sure, what I would be opening them too. 

Was I dead? Stolen? Locked away in an unknown place? 

I just laid there, trying to steady my breathing. I wish I could hear. A strange ringing sound took place of that. 

Everything felt... shaky? As if the ground beneath me, was quite literally pounding. 

I took every ounce of my strength, and slowly opened my eyes. I had to blind numerous times in order to get my vision in order. Squinting to try to make out what was in front of me. I slowly pushed up onto my hands, wincing from the pain. 

I was in a foyer... not my foyer. 

The Dark Lord's foyer. 

There were bodies... everywhere. 

Stunned, petrified, lifeless bodies. 

I quickly scooted back, begging my back to find a wall. I quickly threw my hands over my mouth to stop the gasps from escaping. 

But I laid... untouched? 

I was confused to say the absolute least, I sat there, frozen, as I let out shallow, fasts breaths. 

He emerged. 

Bruised and bloodied. 

A face of a monster. The face that embodied pure revenge and relentlessness. 

Cruelly Beautiful, he was. 

He carried himself with such grace, yet the power of mass destruction in the palm of his hands. The bodies that surrounded him, made it clear. His eyes held such power. The depth of them, the fire, the rage. 

He looked, defeated. Worn. Tired. Like he wanted to give up, right then and there. It was taking a toll on him. On his soul. He was wearing down, like a pair of old shoes. Grasping on to whatever was keeping him alive, keeping his soul in one peace. 


It was amazing how his presence in itself, brought my breathing to a normal rate, how I began to feel alive again. 

He'd always come for me.

I watched as he scanned the room, standing in the spot I just laid in, frantically trying to find me. 

"Mattheo." My voice was so low, and so horse, I didn't think he heard me. 

But he did, I watched as the second my mouth opened, his eyes darted to mine, and all the evil slowly escaped from them, rushing to my side. 

He was injured, badly, anyone could see that, but he had one thing on his mind. 

My safety. 

"Rosalia." he quickly spoke, kneeling before me, wrapping his weak arms around me, letting out a huge sigh. "I am so fucking stupid." he mutter, over and over again. "What the fuck was I thinking... bonding you to that fucking room... I nearly killed you... I don't know..."

"I'm okay, Mattheo... I am okay." I repeated to him, trying to push him off so I can see what was wrong with him. 

He'd be spell struck, multiple times. No doubt broken ribs, I could tell by the way he was walking. A gash to the head, and one across his leg. The blood was seeping through his clothes. 

"Mattheo... I need to fix you." I quickly spoke, trying to get to my feet.

"Not here." he ordered, "We need to leave, right now."

"No! You're hurt!" I protested. 

"And well be dead if we don't move, now!" he screamed. 

"Our house...its gone." my voice broke. 

"I know, just trust me and get up now." he pulled me up, apperating us before I even had the chance to ask where. 

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