Ch.33~ In the name of love.

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Silence overcame our bedroom, and not another word was spoken. Instead, I held him in my arms. Like I did so many nights. Held him. Tight. I knew he needed it. I knew the peace it brought him. I knew the battles he constantly fought in his head.

I loved him.

I think.

I'm not sure when it happen. Maybe it was his confessions that opened the door. But, the time spent with him, he managed to keep taking steps further into that door. The things I've learned about him, his secrets. The way he looks in the morning, with soaked hair. Or the way he writes in his study. How gentle he is with the animals in the stables. Perhaps it was the way he chased me around this big house, or when I noticed my favorite authors consuming more shelf's in the library. When I mentioned once I knew how to play piano, and the next day one appeared in the drawing room. How my favorite flowers, were always set on my night table, or how I never had to fall asleep alone.

I think most of all, it was the way he protected me. The rage that consumed his body when someone even spoke a word of haste in my direction. The way he treated me, like I was made of glass, an item that was made to be protected at all time.

I just held him. Like it was my favorite thing to do in the world, because I think it was. I think a part of me, was just happy I was wanted... possibly loved, in the way I always wanted to be.

The next few weeks were tormenting. The Dark Lord, spared no expense when he said I was his. Once again, I was a pawn in a game. He knew, I had a low profile. He would send me to his enemies houses, knowing their guards would be down, when I showed up, and get rid of them.

Or he would make me befriends some wife's, learn all their darkest secrets, put listening charms in some of his followers houses, who he thought could be a snake.

Mattheo, made me wear a long, hooded black cloak, whenever I had to complete a task. He believed the dark magic would cling to it, and not to me. I let him believe he was right. But I felt it, eating at my insides. Growing inside of me. Craving more.

I took too many lives. Some for reasons that are still a blur to me. I had wives, begging for their lives, for answers I did not have. It was an order. Me, or them. For some reason in my head, I always picked me.

Call me selfish.

I did it in the name of love.

I even got caught in a crossfire, somehow someone knew my task, when I arrived. Causing me to me attacked. Nasty curses and hexes of all colors swirled around me. I ducked as many as I could, counter cursed as many as I saw. I summoned Mattheo right away, but I was struck, badly. My whole left arm had turned as black as my cloak.

I watched the fear, take over his face as he casted a billion different healing spells, until he found the right one.

"Rose, this ends now. I will not fucking lose you." he hissed

"I have to Mattheo, you know I do." I whispered back.

"It fucking ends now." his tone grew angry, as he lifted his wand, drawing it at me, who sat in the middle of our bed.

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