Ch.38~ Horcruxes.

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I sat down, in the chair he gently pulled out for me and examined each of their faces. They looked, worn and tired. Dead, almost. Completely drained. 

"After that night, at his manor, when he... did what he did to you, I owled the boys. Since then we've been plotting, on how to get rid of him. We each have our reasons, Merlin knows. I'm not sure if your familiar with Horcuxes?" Mattheo looked up from his cup of tea, and over at me. 

"I've heard my mum mention them a few times, I never really knew what they were though." I tilted my head in confusion, not knowing where this conversation was going. 

"Well, they are objects that one hides a detached part of their soul in. My father created seven. Making him practically immortal until all seven are destroyed. Potter, managed to destroy four, including himself before he passed." he shook his head and took a breath, "I destroyed another, and Theo and Draco as of last believe they found another one, only leaving one after that one is taken care of. Its the only way for him to be truly gone, the only way we actually have a chance at killing him." he looked over at me like he wanted some sort of acknowledgment to everything he just said, but truth is, I was lost. 

"So once all seven are 'destroyed' he can die?" I leaned back in my chair. 

"Simple as that." Theo scoffed, sipping his tea. 

"If it was simple, he'd be dead already." Enzo added. 

"Its because Potter tried, if it had been any of us, it would've worked!" Draco let out a dry laugh, "Look just a few weeks and ones gone, another is on the way, by next week it'll all be said and done." he smirked. 

"What are they? These things? How do we find them?" I brought my gaze over to Mattheo. 

"Well, the one I just destroyed was a family ring. Draco and Theo believe the snake is the next one. They scatter really." he shook his head, "Potter was one. The diary he destroyed in year two,  Ravenclaws diadem Longbottom destroyed in the war.... what else?" he took a breath. 

"The Locket thing." Theo added, with a strong thinking face on. Merlin knew he tried. 

"Yeah right, and were not sure what number seven could be. They don't make any sense." Mattheo sat back. 

"Their not supposed too. Its supposed to be hard to find, the literal reason one does this." Enzo rubbed his head, as if it hurt him to even point out this information. 

"Enzo..." I softly spoke. 

I watched everyones head turn to me. 

"Mum... The Dark Lord had her hide that thing in our vault, during my sixth year, right before everything went down." 

I watched as all their eyes grew. 

"She didn't know I was listening at the top of the stairs... I heard the whispers, it sounded like it was important it stay hidden." I tried so hard to remember what it was, but they were talking so low, and this was so long ago. 

"Rose, that could very well be it." Draco sat up. 

"Love, I need you to think, about any other detail from what you over heard, its very important." Mattheo was speaking to me like a child. 

"I don't know, I just know she did it. Of course, she did anything she said." I gave him a sarcastic look. 

"Do you think its still there?" Theo asked. 

"I think it very well could be. He would never think my mother would ever go against him, or give up the location of it." I nodded to them. 

"If the snake is one, then this is the last one, and we can kill him." Mattheo crossed his arms and sat back, like the realization was hitting him. Like the gears were turning, and everything was falling into place. "We could actually do this." 

"How are we going to get into that vault? They've been disowned." Draco grew angry. 

"I can get in." I stood up. "I can do it." 

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