Ch.3~ Lovely.

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If I were to say I didn't try to end my life, run away, or think of a way to completely disappear into thin air, over these past four days, I'd be lying.

I thought of every possible way to get out of this. For a second I even let my mind wander to the idea of letting mum and Enzo die.

My mum was a horrible mum, and overall person. I hated her, to put it in the nicest of terms. But, it always came back to Enzo. I couldn't do that to him, not matter how angry I was at him for this arrangement, I couldn't ever do that.

My mother of course, picked my dress. Not that I wanted too, but I looked at it as another thing she had control over.

It was a large dress, a long train. Long sleeved, high necked, skin tight. Very Lacey, it wasn't ugly. It just wasn't... mine?

This wasn't how a wedding was supposed to go. Its something I've dreamed about since I was a girl. Meet a boy, fall madly in love, he proposes, I happily agree. Plan a lovely wedding surrounded by friends and loved ones.

This was a dark day. Eerie. It was to be at the Riddle Manor, every death eater and elitist Pure-blood family in attendance. Followed by a gala sized reception, in their grand ball room.

I was nothing but a trophy wife. Something Mattheo would hold on his arm, show off. I was just a pretty face.

I never liked Mattheo. I found him arrogant. He never paid me mind in school, completely ignored my existence. Teased me, and anyone I associated myself with. He was a play boy, the schools most wanted boy, the one all the boys drooled over. Not me.

Once the war started, he went from most wanted, to most feared. He was a faithful son and follower. I would compare him to the Grim Reaper. He had no remorse, no emotions. His father said jump, and he asked how high. He was nothing but a killing machine. And executioner. A murderer. A walking tragedy. A shell, of a boy, who lost himself to his father.

Now, my husband.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I pulled the top of my long, dark black, hair away in pins, letting the rest fall behind me. I thanked Merlin I didn't have my mothers wild hair, it was silky and straight most of the time.

My Aunt Narcissa insisted on doing my makeup.

"You are a breathtaking bride, my dear." She smiled, finishing applying blush to my cheek bones.

I didn't smile, I didn't thank her, I just sat. Still and obedient. My gaze on the open window, wondering how far I would have to throw myself to reach the pavement, I wasn't familiar with the Riddle Manor. I just knew it was far. I felt even more cold here, than I did at my home.

"Rosalia, look at me." She firmly said, pulling my chin to meet her eyes. "I, too, had an arranged marriage. I, like you, despised the idea. I wanted to kill my parents, for taking that choice from me, for picking my husband. I was furious. Rebellious, even But, I did it. Now, I can confidently say I love Lucius more than the air I breath. I believe, given the chance, this could be a beautiful thing for you."

She had a way with words. Where my mother lacked, my aunt made up for. She was caring, loving, compassionate. I often told Draco how lucky he was to have a mother like her.

"I hope so, Aunt Narcissa." I smiled back up at her.

I lied.

"You truly look stunning. He is a lucky man."

I met her compliment with a smile, to avoid another lecture.

Enzo, knocked at the door, slowly creeping his way in.

"Wow." He muttered, staring at me in my dress.

"Isn't she just lovely." My aunt smiled at him, hugging me tightly, "I'm proud of you." She whispered in my ear.

"Ready whenever you are, sister." He cleared his throat, placing his elbow out for me to grab.

I took one last look at my self in the mirror, fought back the lump in my throat, and grabbed his arm.

He lead me down a long hallway, this manor was so dark. So ghostly. So cold.

We stopped right in front of the doors, he stopped and turned to me.

"I am sorry, Rose. You look beautiful." He let out a small smile.

"If I didn't love you so much, I'd let you die." I looked down at the floor in-between us.

"I love you, too, baby sis." He whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead.

The Arrangement  (Mattheo Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now