Ch.21~ Torn.

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A silence took over the room, as I held him in my arms. Trying to make my brain process everything he had just expressed.

I was... torn?

I wanted to believe his words. I wanted to believe he had a deep yearning for me, that he always had. That this was just some tragic love story; but at least it was a love story.

My fears, trickled away, only as much as I'd allow them too.

I thought back to my time at Hogwarts, all the stories he just shared. Me sitting in my corner chair, wanting so desperately to be apart of my brothers group. Watching them, observing them. Having tiny crushes on each of his friends, knowing id never be noticed.

Mattheo to me, was the untouchable brothers best friend. He was always around, but out of reach. I knew he was crazy, but I was never scared of him. He enticed me. At the parties, how he would stare, made me.. question things.

Now it all made sense.

He was the reason for my safety throughout the war. He was the reason I passed my classes. The reason I could suddenly dance.

It was always him.

But his betrayal kept nipping at my ear. How, manipulative he was. Drawing me in; then changing like that.

I wish he would've told me, about the order. Perhaps there could've been some way we could work through it, together. But, he took that from me.

He yanked that choice, from my bare hands.

He made me want him, then gave me absolutely nothing.

I wanted to believe the words, that had just slipped his lips.

We're they pretty lies?

We're they the truth?

Had my life been taking the turn I always wanted it too?

I didn't want to get my hopes up, as I had with him in the past. But me, sitting here, holding him, as he found his peace in my arms, it made me feel something. Like it just felt... right.

Like this was it, and I was happy. I could genuinely be happy, with him.

I didn't see the monster, he was turned into. I seen the boy, who stared at me from across the common room. The boy, who showed me his stables, and told me the names of his animals. The boy who cared.

I wanted it to be him, so desperately.

But you don't hurt the ones you love.

Not the way he hurt me.

Perhaps, somewhere, deep down, there was a way I could move past it. Test him, if you would. See if his words, had any back bone to them.

He sat up, after a while, moving my hair from my face, and taking a moment to admire me, then brining his eyes down to my stomach.

"I want to be there for you. For her." He whispered, stroking my cheek.

"I think..." I took a deep breath. "I think I would like that." I softly smiled.

I watched, as a smile over came his face.

"I want us, to work. I really do. You cannot shut me out again." I almost ordered.

"I promise, I will do my best not too." He nodded, in agreement.

"I need more than your best." I bit my lips.

"You have it all, Rosalia."

The Arrangement  (Mattheo Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now