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My stomach was in knots all day. Between Mattheo suddenly shutting me out, and how his father joining us for a meal.

Perhaps if Mattheo hadn't grown cold, I'd feel better. Knowing I was actually happy, and not just putting on an act for this father, I feel like that would've eased my worry.

But, I was in the dark. I was in the cold.

I spent all day wondering what I could've done wrong, to make him push me so far.

Maybe it was all in my head. Maybe he just liked sleeping next to someone, having sex with someone. Maybe I never meant anything, maybe it was just about having someone.

My mind drew blank as I starting getting ready, the ticking of the clock echoing through my ears. I felt my stomach sinking.

Why was he coming? What was there to discuss?

What did small talk with the Dark Lord look like?

Smile. Nod.

Teesy appeared, informing me it was time to make my way down.

I let out a deep breath, looking at myself once more in the mirror. In my long, fitted black gown, with a drop back. Hair pulled slightly up, and out of my face.

Mattheo was standing in the foyer, pulling at his collar of his suit. He looked... uncomfortable.

I didn't say a word, as I took my place next to him. Standing tall, pushing my chest out.

I felt him look over to me, it looked as if his mouth moved to say something, but he didn't.

I seen the dark cloud of smoke, emerging from the distance. I felt the manor growing colder then it already was. I took a deep breath, as the large doors swung open.

He stood, tall, as an eerie smile took over his face.

"My son. My daughter-in-law. Looking as gorgeous as the last I seen you." His compliment made me feel, dirty.

"Thank you, My Lord." A tight smile appeared across my face.

"Father. Lets eat." Mattheo's voice was, somber.

I followed next to Mattheo as he lead us into the dinning room.

It was set up for Mattheo to be at one head, and me to his left. His father at the other end of the table.

Mattheo pulled out my chair for me, not even making eye contact.

I sat tall.

Smile. Nod.

Conversation started, none that made sense to me, as the elves began bringing out the meals.

"After we gain complete control of northern Ireland, the rest should fall into place." His father spoke, poking at his food.

"Were nearly there, Father. I gave you the update on it yesterday." Mattheo said, dryly.

"Just making sure were on the same page, boy. Spill as much blood as needed, they are a necessity." He growled.

"Yes, Father." Mattheo didn't even look up from his dish.

"So, Rosalia, how are you liking the manor?" His eyes met mine. They made me want to crawl out of my own skin.

"Oh, it is just lovely, My Lord. I am very comfortable here." I smiled.

"No need to address me as your lord, my girl. Father, will do. We are, family, yes?"

I wanted to slam my head on the table in front of me. The thought of calling him that made me want to scream. I had a father, he was a decent man. He would never compare.

"Of course we are My- Father." I forced out.

"The elves tell me, you two have been spending much time together." He smirked.

"Yes, its been wonderful, truly." Even I could hear the sarcasm in my own voice.

"I take it, its done then, Mattheo?" His eyes darted to his son.

"Father." Mattheo Hissed.

"I'm sorry?" I tilted my head.

"Oh, just the consummation of the Marriage dear, for the Heir?" He looked at me, nodding like I was supposed to know.

"The Heir?" I swallowed hard, gripping my fork.

"Yes. I told Mattheo weeks ago to get to it. I am in need of an Heir to my line." He scoffed, flicking his wand to me, "And from the looks of it, I shall have one soon."

The Arrangement  (Mattheo Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now