Ch.2~ Honored.

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I spent most of my time in my bedroom. This manor wreaked of bloodshed and anger. I only left for meals, or when I was being screamed at to attended a party, or a meeting. It was a sad life.

But in my bedroom, I controlled my life. I got to do whatever I pleased, whenever I wanted. I didn't have to worry about the horrible things occurring just outside my door, hear the vicious plans being concocted. I got to be me.

I was nose deep, in a book, doing anything to escape my mind and these four walls.

"Rosalia! Down here, now!" My mothers voice, echoed the manor.

I threw my head back in frustration, trying to figure out what she could possibly need. We had no events, there was no planned attacked, I shouldn't be needed.

"Coming Mother!" I screamed back, throwing my book on my bed, stomping out of my room.

I brought myself down the long, marble staircase, to my mother and brother sitting in the dinning room, eyes like daggers on me.

"You called?" Confusion took over my voice, as I noticed my brother had an uneasy expression on his face.

"Sit." My mother growled, pointing at the chair next to her, across from Enzo.

I sat, reluctantly, and raise an eyebrow to Enzo, who I noticed couldn't make eye contact with me.

"Lorenzo, has news. Very, very happy news." An evil smile consumed her face, as she looked at him to talk.

He wouldn't speak.

"Enzo?" I almost whispered.

"Go on, boy!" She slammed her hand down on the table.

We still flinched. Even after all these years.

"Rosalia," he took a deep breath. "I just got back from a meeting, with the Lord. He wants my permission, for Mattheo, to have your hand in Marriage."

I felt my heart stop and drop to the lowest pit of my stomach. The air around me, seemed to have thinned.

"You said no, right?" My voice cracked.

"Of course he didn't!" My mother immediately protested, throwing her hands up, in celebration. "He's going to go back right now and tell him what an honor it will be!"

Enzo still couldn't look me in the face.

"Enzo, you can't." I almost begged.

"He can, and he will." My mother voice grew angry, as she wrapped her hand around the base of my neck, "You will be ever most appreciative of this opportunity our Lord has given you. He choose, you, my daughter, for his son. It is nothing but an honor." Her hand grew tighter with each passing sentence.

I just stared, teary eyes across to my brother. The one person who was supposed to protect me from all of this. The one person, I thought I had.

She gave my neck one final squeeze, "Are we clear, my daughter?"

"Yes, mother." I nearly choked on the words as they left my mouth.

She practically threw me forward, as she released her grasp. I wasted no time, in getting up from my seat and running back to my room.

I felt my chest, starting to cave in. The air was almost nonexistent. I was nothing but a pawn to my mother, now her newest accomplishment. I could hear her now.

The Dark Lord chose my daughter, for his son. We are honored. It is an extreme delight.

It taunted me, along with her malicious giggle I heard all the way to my room. I slammed my door, running over to my window, trying to pry it open for air. If my room wasn't surrounded by hedges, I would consider jumping.

My door quickly opened, and closed.

"Rose, just let me explain, please." Enzo quickly said, rushing over to me.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I said, in-between gasps for air.

"You don't understand, I didn't have a choice. You know I would never willingly do this to you." His eyes looked apologetic, but he still did it.

"You always have a choice, and you chose an arranged marriage to him was the answer?!" My panic was growing into anger, "How could you?! I'm your sister!"

"Rose, he needs Mattheo to get Married. Show the world that the pureblood families will live on, that all is well. That life, after the war is assumed to go back to normal. Its to encourage everyone else to get married and start having children, raise the pureblood population." His words cut me.

"I am not having children with him, are you out of your fucking mind?!"

"I never said you had too! Im telling you his intentions with this marriage. To encourage others. Lead by example. Slowly over the next few months, well all be married off! He knew mum would jump at the opportunity and said Mattheo requested you. For you to be married into his family." He still couldn't look me in the eyes.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? That I am the chosen one?" I hissed.

"No, just maybe make it bearable? Look I am so beyond sorry, that you're being pulled into this, but he is my friend. You'll be in good hands, he wouldn't hurt you." He reached for my hand. I quickly swatted him away.

"When is this supposed to happen?" My voice was breaking.

"This Sunday."

"Its fucking Wednesday!" My jaw dropped.

"I have no choice, i'm going to sign the agreement now."

"Enzo, please. Don't." I begged, as the tears streamed down my cheek.

"Rose, its either you get married, or our family dies. I won't let you loose your life." He looked down to the floor, shaking his head.

"By signing that, your already taking my life, Lorenzo." I turned my back to him, returning my gaze to the window.

"I am sorry, Rosalia." He muttered, as I heard my door close.

Just like that, my life was ripped from my bare hands.

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