Ch.39~ Bait.

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They all shot me a look of pure shock. Shit, I was shocked too. But, if what Mattheo was saying was true, and it was down to this one thing, and the snake. I would do anything to get my hands on it. I needed it. I needed him to finally be free. I needed to be free.

I had lost too much, including myself. If this one thing could just make it all stop, I would do anything in my power to get it.

"Rosalia." Mattheo quickly turned his head, "Have you lost your mind?"

"I can do it. All I have to do is get into our families vault. Fuck, im The Dark Lords daughter-in-law, I don't think a goblin would ever say no to me." I shook my head, "Think about it!" I stood, pacing, "If they say no to me, Mrs.Mattheo Riddle, they'll think something horrible will happen, your father literally owns the wizarding world! Only a fool would say no to me."

"She has a point there." Draco said, leaning forward.

"Only a fool is right." Theo shook his head, in amazement that I pieced it all together.

"This could get dangerous." Mattheo's tone grew upset.

"I'll go with her. Its our families vault, they'll never suspect anything." Enzo tried to reassure him.

"Only and I mean only if Enzo goes with you." Mattheo only hissed, "I'll be damned if anything happens to you."

"I'm a big girl, Mattheo. I think we all know I can handle myself." I smirked.

"Do not get smart with me, Rose." he shot his dead eyes at mine.

"When?" I straighten up my posture.

"Tomorrow. Once we can map out the details." Mattheo nodded, bringing his eyes back down to the table. "Malfoy, I want a map of the bank, every single entrance, exit, vault and vault owners. Nott, I need to know who's guarding it now a days, father never told me. And Enzo, I need this house to be stocked up on healing potions."

He looked so desirable, ordering them around like that. He just had this way to him. It was like he had all the power in the palm of his hand, probably because he did. He was so disastrous, but I seen the light in him. Begging to be let out. He never wanted things this way. Then again, he never had anything to fight for. He was fine with being a puppet, he never had someone to call home. Now that he did, me, he never wanted harm to touch me. Even if he didn't care about the rest of the wizarding world, he cared for me. That was enough.

I made my way out of the room, to let the men talk, plan and coordinate. Mattheo was starting to get restless and I hated being in the room with him when he was like that.

I explored the rest of the house, slowly finding myself up to the rooftop. I climbed out the tiny window and onto the roof top. It was tiny, and unkept. The fresh air felt like everything I needed after the week I had just spent bound to four tiny walls.

I closed my eyes and laid down on the roof, staring up into the stars and closing my eyes. Taking deep breath after deep breath. This is all I ever wanted in life. Normalcy. Simplicity.

A tiny home, with a husband and a few children. To be loved, and cared for. Instead I got a Damned life. One where the love I'm receiving is the kind of love you would kill for. I mean actually kill for. I'm not saying that was the worst thing in the world exactly, I'm just saying I would've settled for the simple kind. One that wasn't a constant battle of life and death, one where I didn't loose everything, just to have him.


Then I thought to my self, he was worth it all.  He was worth every ounce of darkness. Every loss. Every tear and drop of blood shed. Perhaps, he was all I never knew I needed. Perhaps, I needed him, and somehow someway the universe knew he needed me too.

I remember when I thought marrying him was the worst thing that would ever happen to me, ever. Now I physically grow weak imagining a life without him. The chaos. The madness. The power.

He was worth it all.

I would loose it all, over and over again, just to be loved by him.

"Hope I'm not interrupting." Theo's voice startled me, as he peered up at me from the window.

"Merlin!" I jumped, "No, just scared me is all."

"Sorry bout that." he let out a small giggle and he climbed on the roof and sat next to me, "knew I'd find you here, Rosa."

"You and this Rosa." I laughed as I shook my head, "Your still the only one who calls me that."

"Well I like it. I told you that when I came up with it my fifth year. Rosa, just rose in Italian. Much prettier than Rose too, better fitting you. Means so much more in Italian too, courage. I think that fits you now more than ever." he smiled over at me.

"Yeah my fourth year. When you were my only friend. You gave me that nickname after Christmas break, when mum sent me back with a black eye." my smile faded.

"I didn't mind, being your only friend, just so you know." he let out a small smile.

"I annoyed the shit out of you, Theo." I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck yeah you did!" he shrugged my shoulder with his, "But you were a light. Still are. I needed your friendship as much as you needed mine. Some days you were the only thing that got me through."

"Until you became too cool for me." I shot him a look.

"You know thats not true. Enzo just didn't like how he would always find us together, alone. He thought I was trying to shag you. I had to respect him, and I am sorry for that. I imagine it was lonely." he bit his lips together, looking off into the stars.

"It was, but I got through it. Like I always do." I nodded.

"Your a strong one. Always have been... remember when I helped you get ready for the Yule Ball? you were so nervous you almost cried!" he laughed.

"Oh! Fine... okay... remember when I had to teach you how to dance so you wouldn't step on Pansy's toes!" I laughed back.

"Oh were playing this way! Okay! Remember when I found you crying because you thought Krum would never write to you because you 'were a horrible kisser'! yeah, I remember 'Theo he doesn't like me, I kiss like a fish!'" he was near tears.

"That was low! Remember when you would come to my room begging for me to 'pat your back' while you threw up from drinking! Then you would fall asleep in my bed!" I hit him for that one.

Our laughter filled the rooftop. Until it didn't.

After a while he broke the silence.

"Remember when you balled your eyes out, in my arms when Enzo got the mark?" His face grew serious.

"Remember a week later when you balled your eyes out in mine, when you got the mark?" Mine, grew sad.

"Your insane you know, going into that vault. Its dangerous. It could go sideways so quick, Rosa." he looked over at me again.

"I know." I brought my eyes to him.

"Your like a piece of bait... is this really worth it? Worth your life?" he whispered.

"He's worth it all Theo... he's worth more to me than life itself."

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