Chapter 1

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"Vis?" Wanda shouts throughout the house looking for her husband as the twins are patiently waiting at the door, ready to leave to their grandparents house.

"Vision?" She shouts again walking into his office seeing him passed out with empty beer bottles around him. Wanda curses under her breath slamming his office door jolting him awake.

"What the hell!" He shouts at her standing with a threatening stance. Wanda rolls her eyes crossing her arms, "we are leaving and you clearly are in no shape to go." She scoffs hearing him grumble pulling a disgust face watching him make his way around his desk.

Wanda met Vision freshmen year of college he was the typical frat boy while Wanda was the beautiful, sweet, hard working college student wanting to make a good life for herself.

Though, their relationship was on and off during the first year. Vision never being able to stay faithful and Wanda not knowing what she truly was meant to have, was she in love? Did she even know what love was at the time? These questions she now asks herself everyday.

All of her dreams became a little bit harder when she ended up pregnant with the twins end of sophomore year. Vision making it clear on his stance not wanting any responsibility but Wanda knew she wanted to keep the babies. That decision made Vision to get on one knee handing her a ring giving a short non heartfelt ask to marry her.

Currently standing with her arms crossed as her ten year old twins wait for her at the door. Vision, slurring as he spits out his distaste for his wife. "Don't use that tone." He warns stumbling over his feet, body falling into Wanda as she pathetically tries to steady him, rolling her eyes.

"My mom and dad are having a BBQ and wanted you to be there." She grits pushing him off of her knowing her parents were only being nice since he is the twins father, not shy of hiding the dislike of her other half.

"Fuck your parents." He spits falling back down on the ground. Wanda biting her tongue not wanting to fuel his drunken state more, "get yourself together before we get back." She orders slamming the door as she exits taking a deep breath plastering a fake smile for her boys.

"Alright my Dorogoys are we ready to go see grandma and grandpa?" Wanda asks with a bright smile and enthusiastic tone hiding her misery for the sake of her children. "Is dad not coming?" Billy asks, holding his basketball Wanda knowing he was hoping to finally show him the new skill he had learned at school.

"I'm sorry honey, but he's..busy." She puts a warm smile on her face not wanting to paint her husband in a bad light in front of her children as Vision somewhat cares for their children, "but Uncle Pietro will be there." The twins smile knowing how much they love their uncle and how they always teases that he is the coolest person on the planet.

As Wanda walks out of the house, twins running to the luxury SUV head tilting in curiosity at the moving truck parked in the driveway across the street. Her attention snaps to a small fit woman who carriers boxes out of the moving truck. "Mom?" Tommy's voice rips Wanda's gaze from the woman to him. "Are you okay?" He looks at his mom who's standing with the car door open not moving to get in.

"Yes, I am." She replies, attention turned back to the house across the street sliding herself into the car. "Buckled?" She questions the small passengers in the back, her motherly eyes looking at them through the rearview mirror hearing their buckles click sending them a satisfied smile.

"Darling," Wanda's mother comes running out of the house embracing her daughter before scooping up the twins in a big hug with a kiss on the cheek for the both of them.

"No Vision?" Natalya asks with a hint of disgust at the name. Wanda just shakes her head sending her mom a sad smile. "No." She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes the sadness doesn't go unnoticed by her mother.

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