Author Note

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Hi friends :)

It's been a while! I had taken a creative hiatus for a hot second, but I'm baaaaack! I will be resuming uploads periodically on my other haiku x reader book, but more importantly:

I have a new long fic out!

A Tattoo Artist!Kuroo x Apprentice!reader slow-burn full-length fic to be exact. It's still in the works so updates will take some time, so you'll have to bear with me as I haven't worked on a full-length fic in Y E A R S, so it's a rather daunting task to take on.

But! If the idea of Tattoo Artist!Kuroo, Piercer!Bokuto, and Front Desk Clerk!Akaashi intrigues you even in the slightest, check out Inked :) The first two (? three? I don't remember) chapters are up now!

Please read the content warnings before engaging as Inked does have more adult themes than what you may find in my other writing.

Thank you for your time, team and happy holidays!!

Much love and fly high xx


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