Miya Atsumu - Missing Pieces

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You heard them before they even entered the door. The loud shouts and the howls of laughter. If you sat up enough on the couch, the MSBY training jackets were visible through the front window. Hinata's orange hair bounced wildly as he jumped excitedly with his older Jackels. It was the fifth time this week that the boys had come over after practice.

It was the fifth time this week that the boys had disrupted your much needed study time. A senior in college, a list of midterms too long to comprehend, and more mental breakdowns than you cared to account for, the three hours that your boyfriend was at practice and you could relax and study in the comfort of your shared home was pure bliss.

The door swung open, giving you a full account of just how loud they were being. Atsumu was doubled over in fits of giggles, tugging his sneakers off, Hinata and Bokuto shouting bits and pieces of the same story only a few steps behind.

"Y/N? You here?" Atsumu calls out as he is finally able to calm himself down enough to speak normally again.

"Living room, 'mu!"

In a matter of seconds, he's bounding into the room, leaning over your shoulder. "I'm home." You don't even have to look at him to know that he has the widest grin on his face, just like he always does when he gets back from practice. No matter how long or how grueling his day, Atsumu never fails to greet you with the biggest smile.

"I see that. How was practice?"

"Good! My hands are kinda sore though," he whines, opening and closing his hands in front of you as if to show you the pain he was enduring.

"Well, you're new to this pro stuff still, Atsumu. Your body will get used to it soon."

"Yeah, I know." He sighs a little, resting his chin on the top of your head. "The guys are here."

"Trust me, I, and the entire neighborhood, know. Let me just finish this question real quick and I'll let you guys have the living room."

"Aw, come on! You don't want to hang out with us?"

"I need to study or else I would love to."

He hums in affirmation. "You're going to do so well. I'll make sure we keep it down so you can focus, okay?" There's a soft kiss placed on your head as you pack up your laptop and notes so you can go study in the bedroom.

"Thank you, 'mu," you say, standing on your toes to give his lips a short peck as you pass.

But that was then.

And this was now.

"Are you serious?! You can't lock me out of my room, Y/N!"

"Our room, Atsumu, and too bad. I did!"

His fist pounds on the door, the intensity of each knock sending vibrations throughout the room. "Y/N, this is ridiculous! Open the door!"

"I'm trying to work. This report has to be done for tomorrow. Please, 'mu."

"Don't 'mu' me when you're literally locking me out the bedroom!"

You roll your eyes, leaning over to twist the lock and tug the door open. Your boyfriend tumbles into the room as his support is swung away from him. He doesn't even look at you. He just goes straight to the closet, throwing clothes onto the bed. "Where are you going?" You ask, looking up from your laptop briefly as he throws a pair of jeans a little too far, hitting you in the leg.

"Does it matter?" He starts peeling off the lounge clothes that he had been wearing most of the day, opting for a slightly more put together outfit for his night out.

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