Yamaguchi Tadashi - Peppermint Kisses

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The Christmas music played softly throughout the room.  It was that time of year again and it was the first Christmas that you and your boyfriend Tadashi would be spending it in your new house.  The boxes of old, worn-out decorations that you got from your parents were littered around the living room.  You were busy wrapping the garland around the banister while Yamaguchi struggled with the Christmas tree.  He was seated in the middle of piles and piles of artificial tree branches and white fairy lights.  He looked up at you helplessly.  "This is hard," he whined softly.

You chuckled, finishing up your job.  "What's so hard about it?"

"I mean, it's not hard... It's just so time consuming.  And my butt hurts from sitting here for so long."

You pulled him to his feet.  "It's not that bad, 'dashi.  I'll help you, okay?"

Two hours and three strands of fairy lights later, the two of you had the tree fully put together except for the top, which both of you were too short to reach on your own.  "Ready?"  Tadashi asks, coming up behind you and gripping your waist firmly.

"Ready?  For what?" You ask, unsure what he's talking about.  He simply places the top part of the tree in your hands before lifting you off of the ground.  You squeal slightly in excitement before putting the section in its place.  He brings you back to the ground, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.

You watch as the young gentleman in front of you raises his eyes  to the ceiling.  You follow his gaze and let your eyes land on the little white berries.  "When did you put that there?" You ask, raising a skeptic eyebrow at him.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Yamaguchi says innocently.  

"You're such an idiot," you laugh, holding his face in your hands.

"I know," he smiled, snaking his arms around your waist as you pulled his face down to yours.  Your lips connected and it felt perfect, just like every other time.  He pulled away from you, pressing his forehead against yours.  "Your lips tasted like peppermint."

"What can I say?  I like my candy canes.  Speaking of candy canes, we're out."

"I can't believe you ate them all already," he says, laughing lightly.

"Well, I used a lot of them in the frosting on the cupcakes," you explain.

"Okay, okay.  We'll go get more candy canes."

"Can we get the blue ones too?"

"Sure," he says, grabbing your coat from the hall closet, helping you put it on before putting his own on.

You wrap your scarf around your neck and put your gloves on as Yamaguchi does the same.  You both shove your socked feet into your snow boots by the door before walking out the door, hand in hand, as you leave your Christmas decoration disaster behind you in pursuit of more candy canes for more peppermint kisses.

This was really short and I apologize!  Gahh!! I feel bad because I haven't updated in forever and I just gave you something short.  Sorry :(  I am, however, going to post a longer one shot next.  It'll be a Death the Kid from Soul Eater one shot.  I wrote it the other day and wanted to post it so... Yeah....

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