Kuroo Tetsurou - The Supportive Boyfriend Club

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You took your place on the court, tightening your ponytail as you scanned the crowd.  Your eyes settled one a pair of cat-like, amber eyes.  The owner of those eyes waved happily at you, holding up a single finger to signal you to wait.  He unzipped his Nekoma jacket and pulled it off, turning around to show you the print on the back.  'Y/N's Boyfriend' stood out in white letters against the red t-shirt.  You just rolled your eyes, focusing on the opponent in front of you.  The girl on the other side of the net looked to be about 10 centimeters taller than you, but height didn't matter; you could jump.

You and two other front row players stepped up to the net.  The ref blew the whistle and the girl who was serving for your team hit the ball.  "Nice serve!" You shout, shuffling back to your spot.  The other team received it but it went straight back to your side.  "Free ball!"

One of the girls in the back row bumps it to the setter.  You sprint out of the blockers way to the other side of the court, jumping in the air and spiking the toss down in the back row.  Your kinetic energy, however, keeps you moving sideways and you fall onto the floor.  

The setter helps you up to your feet as the crowds scream.  Although, no matter how loud the rest of the crowd is, you could clearly here Kuroo screaming his lungs out in the stands as he violently shakes Kenma in excitement.  "That's my girlfriend!" You hear him shout.  

A blush rises to your cheeks and a smile tugs at your lips.  He was too much sometimes.  Yes, he incredibly hot and seductive, but at the very same moment, he was possibly one of the biggest dorks you have ever met.  Especially when he woke you up every morning with some chemistry or physics related joke or pick-up line.  For instance, this morning it was, "Hey, babe.  You know, chem students do it on the table periodically.  We should join them ;)"  Most of the time they make you laugh and get your morning starting right, to which you would be eternally grateful.

 "Let's go, Nekoma!" Kuroo shouts, leading the student section in cheers.  You watch as Kenma half-heartedly says the words.  It causes you to giggle, seeing your easily-excited boyfriend compared to his good friend.

"Nice serve!" You shout as the ball soars over the net.


You tugged your sweatpants over your black Spanx and slipped your feet into a pair of boots.  You put your bag over your shoulder and walked out of the locker room.  Tetsurou was setting a volleyball against the wall, his jacket draped over his shoulder.  You smile, making your way over to him.  You wrap your arms around his waist, slipping your hands in the front pockets of his jeans.  

"Hey, kitten," he says, holding the ball in his hands, smiling at you over his shoulder.  "You guys won.  I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," you say, standing on your toes to peck his awaiting lips.  

He tosses the ball into the basket and turns to face you.  "You should've kept the Spanx on.  They make your ass look really good," he says, pouting slightly.  

"I have them on under my sweats," you explain, pulling the waistband of your sweats down a little to show him the tight black material.

He smirked a little, wrapping an arm around you.  "I wish you would wear them more often."

You rolled your eyes.  "Speaking of clothing, when did you get this?" you ask, pulling at the cotton sleeve of his shirt where 'Supportive Boyfriend of a Nekoma Cat' was printed across the front.

"I had it special ordered a few weeks ago," he explains, smiling down at you, holding the door out to the parking lot open for you.

"I like it.  It's cute."

"I'm glad you like it, because I got you one too," he says, clicking the button on his keys to unlock his car.  

"You're joking, right?"

"Nope," he says, popping the 'p'.  He pulls a red long-sleeve shirt out of his car, showing it to you.  It looked exactly like his except it said 'Supportive Girlfriend of a Nekoma Cat' on the front with 'Kuroo' and a number one with the captain's mark on the back.  

"I swear to God, you are possibly the biggest dork to have ever lived," you laugh, taking the shirt from him and smiling widely.

"But, it's okay, because I'm your dork."  Tetsurou leans down, placing a light kiss on your head.  "You played a wonderful game, kitten."

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