Sugawara Koushi - Sickly Sweet

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Eyes trained on your alarm clock, watching as the minutes changed. Your head was killing you. Your stomach was twisted into knots and it seemed like every breath you took was only combatted by a series of violent coughs. You should've been at school by now, but when you had tried to get up earlier, you were welcomed by a wave of exhaustion and forced yourself to sit down. You had simply crawled back into bed, deciding to stay home for the day.

You buried your head under the covers, desperately trying to fall back asleep in an attempt to just sleep it off. Just as your eyelids had started to grow heavy and sleep was pulling you into its dark embrace, the loud ding of your phone brought a low groan from your throat.

2 new messages: Suga baby <3

You unlocked your phone, going to your messages. He had already texted you good morning so you weren't really sure what he was texting you about now. A small whine sounded from somewhere within you as you stared at his recently sent picture. His big brown eyes looked so sad as they added to the already adorable pout that was set on his lips. He was bundled up in his scarf and you could still see the faintest hints of white in the air from the chilly morning freezing his breath. Daichi and Asahi stood over his shoulder, giving wide smiles for the camera.

"He's so cute," you muttered to yourself, saving the image to your camera roll.

7:47 a.m.

babyyy~ where are you?? i miss you :(

I don't feel good :( I'm just going to stay

home today. I miss you too, Koushi <3

awww get better okay? get lots of rest.

i'll come check on you after practice.

i love you!

I love you too :')

He was absolutely too cute for words. You didn't know what you ever did to deserve to have the pleasure of calling Sugawara your boyfriend, but you were in no way complaining. He was always so sweet and considerate, sending you cute texts or silly pictures, knowing they would make you smile. You were both relatively reserved when it came to adventures, opting for a night in with your favorite snacks rather than going out to whatever parties were being held that weekend. It's part of why you two worked so well.

Smiling once more at the photo he sent you, you tug your blanket tightly around your shivering body. You couldn't wait for this to all be over, but Suga fawning all over you like the caring boyfriend he was- well, maybe you could be sick for a little while.

Hours passed, boredom overcoming you quickly. You would rather be at school than laying in bed doing absolutely nothing. Sure, you were miserable, but at least you wouldn't be bored and miserable. You groan, rolling over in bed, throwing the blanket off of you as another hot flash overtook you.

A soft knock on your door makes your head turn excitedly towards the sound. The school day had ended a while ago, so was it-

Your mom opened the door, a gentle smile on her face. You whine a little, flopping back against your pillows, disappointed that it wasn't Sugawara coming to keep you company. "How are you feeling?" Your mother asks.

"Awful. . ."

"Oh, that's too bad. Should I just tell Suga that you're too ill to see him then?"

You're sitting straight up, eyes wide at the prospects that he's here. "Don't you dare!"

The familiar laugh is heard just outside your room. "Thank you, Mrs. Y/L/N," the voice says. Sugawara passes by your mother and shuts the door as she leaves. There's a paper bag from the Sakanoshita store in his arms. He sets the bag down on the bed, beginning to unpack everything. "Okay. I didn't know what was wrong, so I just got a bunch of different stuff! There's cough syrup, decongestants, Tylenol to reduce your fever, I mean, if you have one. Saltines and Sprite to settle your stomach. Soup, that you- put in the microwave? That doesn't sound great, but that's all they had. Lots of water, because you need to hydrate! Some orange juice, because I know you like it. I don't know if it'll be good if you're sick, but it can't hurt, right? I got your favorite candies and some chips and-" He rummages through his school bag and pulls out a little stuffed dog. "This! You can cuddle it while I'm at school and you're lying in bed getting better!"

"Suga, you didn't have to do all this. We have most of this stuff here," you say, looking at the massive pile of stuff that he just laid on your bed.

"Well, now you have extra, just in case you run out." He puts his school bag on the ground and crawls into bed next to you. Sugawara's hand immediately finds your head, pulling it down to lean on his shoulder. His fingers tangle in your hair, letting you snuggle close to him. "You're really warm," he says absently. "You should probably take some Tylenol."

"What? Suga, I'm fine."

"If you were fine, you wouldn't have missed school today." His free hand reaches for the little bottle of medicine and a bottle of water. He carefully reads the label, trying to find the recommended dosage. "This says two tablets every four to six hours. Have you had any of these today?"

"No, and I don't need th-"

"Yes, you do." Suga shakes two of the little pills into his palm and hands them to you. "Here."

"I don't want to," you whine, staring at the medicine. Taking medicine was hands down the worst part about being sick, but there was absolutely no way to get out of it with your boyfriend staring at you intently, waiting for you to swallow the pills.

"We can watch that show on Netflix that you've been really wanting to see once you take those. Or don't." He shrugged. "But, if you don't we're just going to watch that sad whale documentary again." He looks at you with a sly smile on his angelic face. He had won and he was very aware that the looming threat of that

"You cannot put me through that again! I do not want to spend another 2 hours crying!"

"Then take your medicine."

Mock hate written all over your face, you swallow down the pills with water. Your boyfriend leans over to reach your laptop, pulling up Netflix and finding the show that you had been begging him to watch with you for weeks. He nestles down next to you, letting you lay your head on his chest as the opening scene begins to play.

"Hey, Suga?"


"Have I ever told you that you're the best boyfriend?"

"Thank you, baby." He plants a soft kiss to the top of your head, causing you to turn your head to look at him. Sugawara couldn't help but smile at how absolutely adorable you were, gazing up at him with wide eyes, mouth tucked in the cutest frown. "What's that for?" He laughs, tangling his fingers in the soft strands of your hair.

"I want to give you a kiss, but then you'll get sick," you huff, looking up at him with sad eyes.

Your boyfriend simply tilts his head, pulling you up his body so your face is next to his. His lips feel soft and warm against your own and you can feel him smiling into the kiss as his hand goes to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer to him. Pulling away, he nuzzles his nose cutely against your cheek. "You're worth getting sick for."

Me, sitting on three chapters that I just keep forgetting to upload: (✿◡‿◡)

it's been awhile since I really ripped y'all's hearts out so keep an eye out haha jk ofc  . . .  unless . . .

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